
Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)

Representation ID: 29857

Received: 24/03/2021

Respondent: Mr & Mrs A Kemp

Agent: Heritage Planning Design Ltd

Representation Summary:

Site BI3/H (SLA ref - BI/011)

Objections are made to the following assessments:

Objective 6 - Biodiversity & geodiversity
The (major negative) assessment is presumptuous and maybe overly pessimistic.

Some of the site is planted with Norway Spruce and Scots Pine trees, which were planted as crops around 20 years ago and are harvested from time-to-time. It is believed that the site’s ecological value is low and could be maintained or enhanced by compensatory planting of native trees and shrubs that are known to support biodiversity and which would help to maintain ecological connectivity. Furthermore, my Client also owns the land edged blue on the plan attached as appendix 2, which could be made available for off-site ecological enhancement proposals, such as a new semi-natural waterbody.

The existence of protected trees and woodland to the east is noted. However, these areas do not include public rights of way and are not publicly accessible. The likelihood of harm arising from the development of BI3/H is negligible.

At worst, the site should be assessed as - (minor negative) against this objective. However, there is scope for a neutral or even positive impact upon biodiversity, a matter that will be addressed by the forthcoming pre-application enquiry.

Objection 8 - Cultural Heritage
The site is assessed as (minor negative) against this sustainability objective as there is said to be potential for a “minor adverse alteration” to the setting of Greenhill Crag, which is a grade II listed building, located around 50m to the north east.

However, a strong degree of physical and visual separation is provided between the listed building and development site by a belt of coniferous woodland that my Client intends to retain and enrich. Subject to this the listed building will continue to benefit from a high quality rural setting and there will be a neutral or negligible impact upon its setting and special interest, as confirmed by the Heritage Impact Assessment attached as appendix 3. The site should be assessed as O (neutral/ negligible).