
Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)

Representation ID: 30192

Received: 23/03/2021

Respondent: Mr Peter Martin

Agent: Athena Planning and Development

Representation Summary:

Objection to the failure to allocate site SW/034B for housing.

The Green Belt and Landscape
• The deletion of the green belt in this location is justified, the site is deliverable and developable and would assist with meeting housing need including affordable housing need across Bradford South West.
• The development of SW/034B will not affect either the character or openness of the green belt.
• The implementation of a landscape framework for both SW14/H and SW/034B could serve to both frame and screen views into and out of the site, enhancing its key characteristics and that of the surrounding area.
• The development of SW14/H and SW/034B would enable a clear and defined edge of the built up area to be established.
• None of the defining elements of the South Bradford area would be affected by housing development at SW/034B.
• Unlike the other preferred options for housing development which involve development in the green belt, the development of SW/034B would not give rise to significant impacts on the South Pennine Moors SPA and SAC.
• Key elements of the South Bradford Landscape Character Area could be enhanced and strengthened by the implementation of appropriate boundary treatment including new native trees and hedgerows.
• Linkages to existing green infrastructure and open space could be enhanced.

The Settlement Strategy

• The allocation of SW/034B is in compliance with the BDLP settlement hierarchy and would notably assist and support the regeneration of Woodside.
• The site is well contained by existing development and lies within a sustainable location accessible by a high frequency bus network and within close proximity to Low Moor Rail Station unlike other preferred allocated sites.
• The principle of housing development in this location has already been considered acceptable with the identification and allocation of the adjacent site SW14/H.
• Small scale developments across the Royds and Wibsey area do not present the same opportunity for transformational change (as required by Policy SP3) at Woodside as SW/034B.
• Development in this location would provide residents with improved access to jobs, services, transport and health and education facilities when compared to other preferred housing sites.

• The setting and grounds of Royds Hall is predominately to south of the Hall itself, where the development of SW14/H and SW/034B to the north cannot be seen.
• The impact on the setting of Royds Hall has already been impacted by the allocation and future development of 276 units at SW14/H.
• There will be no significant harmful impact upon the existing farm steading as a result of SW/034B as any such impacts could be suitably mitigated by the implementation of an appropriately landscaped development layout.

Sustainability Appraisal
Looking at the SA scoring it is considered that SW/034B performs better (in particular on biodiversity and geodiversity and accessible services) than other green belt sites which have been identified as preferred options for housing development. On biodiversity and geodiversity, critically, whilst all seven of the preferred sites together with SW/034B will result in the loss of greenfield land, all seven of the preferred options following the Habitat Regulation Appraisal (HRA) screening process have been identified as likely to trigger significant effects on the South Pennine Moors Special Protection Area (SPA) / Special Area of Conservation (SAC). The development of Site SW/034B would not give rise to such significant landscape impacts.