Consultation Question 105

Showing comments and forms 1 to 8 of 8


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

Representation ID: 471

Received: 25/02/2021

Respondent: Mr Neil Collins

Representation Summary:

Bradford has a plentiful supply of brownfield sites that have not been developed.
In her judgement dated 8/6/2020 in Aireborough Neighbourhood Development Forum vs Leeds City Council, Mrs Justice Lieven found that it was wrong to leave Green Belt sites in a development plan solely because the Council wished to reduce the numbers around the district proportionately. Green belt should be removed from the plan and brownfield sites built on first.
This judgement is surely just as relevant to Bradford.
Our Prime Minister's "Build Build Build" announcement on 30/6/2020 said brownfield building would be made easier to protect Green Belt. This should be bourne in mind and our Green Belt not built on.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

Representation ID: 1113

Received: 09/03/2021

Respondent: Mrs Cathy Isaac

Representation Summary:

Limited school places.
Limited gp appointments.
Flooding causes issues on the estate including waste drainage issues.
Loss of green space.
Increased traffic with bridge access.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

Representation ID: 7473

Received: 10/03/2021

Respondent: David Hill LLP

Representation Summary:

•Objection to the failure to allocate site EM/004 - Street lane, East Morton
The landowners are keen to progress with developing the site and confirm that it is available.
•Under the revised methodology for calculating the housing requirement Bradford will need to provide more housing than shown in the draft plan. This site could contribute to this and it is noted it is identified as an ‘Alternative’.
•It is noted in the SHLAA that the site is not suitable due to access and impact on conservation area. However, a design has been submitted which shows that access to the site is achievable and would not prevent delivery of the site. We would confirm that any proposed development would be designed with the setting of the conservation area as a primary consideration.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

Representation ID: 11822

Received: 23/03/2021

Respondent: Clive Brook Planning

Representation Summary:

Request that the Council’s officers re-consider this site (EM/005) as a preferable, or additional, allocation to EM/007 as it brings a much wider range of benefits given its potential and its superior sustainability performance. It is also capable of making a meaningful contribution to market and affordable housing and to meeting the higher component of the full objectively assessed housing need which should be distributed to this Local Service Centre. This in conclusion would help to resolve the two key settlement issues identified for the village.

Green belt review of site - The description of the site submitted is incorrect as it only included the large northern component of my client’s landholding and not the house and gardens to the south. We argue that purpose 4 should be entirely removed from the Green Belt Review process.

SA - Given the description of the site and the summary assessment it appears that the larger site containing the southern residential curtilage and buildings has been included. This mistake needs to be rectified and a site sustainability re-assessment carried out.

Based on this rational comparison of performance the Cliff Delph site EM/005 is preferable to the much smaller selected allocation site EM/007.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

Representation ID: 15494

Received: 19/03/2021

Respondent: Highways England (Yorkshire & North East Team)

Representation Summary:

It is not considered that locating development within the
settlements within East Morton, on their own, will have a severe impact on the capacity, operation and safety of the SRN, and this will be identified through the transport evidence base being prepared by the Council / the individual assessment of the transport implications of the sites by the sites’ promoters.
However, the quantum of sites forms part of a wider cumulative impact within East Morton and the rest of the development aspirations within the Plan could severely impact the SRN, and this cumulative impact will need to be established by the Council and considered by Highways England.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

Representation ID: 27980

Received: 24/03/2021

Respondent: E.M. Farming & Leisure Ltd

Agent: McLoughlin Planning

Representation Summary:

Alternative/Additional Site Option (based on EM/012):

EM012A - Land to rear of St Luke’s Terrace [0.95ha (2.3 acres); 30 dwellings; 35dph]:

• Slopes gently north to south.

• Not part of the Golf Course. Is improved grassland/pasture.

• Well contained to three sides by boundaries - terraced properties/gardens of St Luke’s Terrace (north); woodland (west); Morton Lane (east).

• Southern boundary is open, defined by a low voltage overhead line. Boundary can be defined by a suitable enclosure of boundary hedge/walling.

• Development will deliver a mix of properties (2, 3 & 4 bedrooms). 25% (7) would be affordable.

• Density would be appropriate for the site and enable a sufficient stand off from the Morton Lane frontage.

• Good linkage to village centre. Bus stops within 50m (Morton Lane).

• Green Belt Purposes assessment - 2: Low effect; Purpose 3: Low/Moderate; Purpose 4: Low/Moderate. Well defined/permanent boundaries can be provided.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

Representation ID: 27981

Received: 24/03/2021

Respondent: E.M. Farming & Leisure Ltd

Agent: McLoughlin Planning

Representation Summary:

Alternative/Additional Site Option (based on EM/012):

EM012B: Paddocks & Works, West of Morton Lane [3.36ha; 75 dwellings]:

• Slopes gently north to south.

• Not part of golf course. Is improved grassland/pasture. Includes track and farm buildings (used for golf course maintenance and land-based businesses).

• Well contained to two sides by boundaries - terraced properties /gardens of St Luke’s Terrace (north), woodland (west); Morton Lane/Sunnycliffe/The Spinney (east).

• Western boundary (wooded area/Golf Course) and southern boundary (wall/partially open) could be strengthened with additional planting and enclosure by boundary hedge/walling to respectively.

• Will deliver a mix of properties (2, 3, 4 beds). 25% (18) would be affordable.

• Density appropriate for the site and enables sufficient stand off from Morton Lane frontage and provision of open space.

• Good linkage to village centre; Bus stops within 50m (Morton Lane) & 100m (via Sunnycliffe)

• Green Belt Purposes assessment - Purpose 2: Low/Moderate effect; Purpose 3: Moderate; Purpose 4: Moderate. Well defined/permanent boundaries can be provided.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

Representation ID: 27982

Received: 24/03/2021

Respondent: E.M. Farming & Leisure Ltd

Agent: McLoughlin Planning

Representation Summary:

Additional/Alternative Site (based on EM/012):

Site EM012C: Nursery Farm & Land West of Morton Lane [5.15ha; 100 dwellings]

• Slopes gently north to south.

• Comprises part of golf course, improved grassland/pasture, track and farm buildings (used for golf course maintenance and land-based businesses).

• Well contained to two sides by boundaries - terraced properties /gardens of St Luke’s Terrace (north), woodland (west); Morton Lane/Sunnycliffe/The Spinney (east).

• Western boundary (wooded area/Golf Course) and southern boundary (wall/partially open) could be strengthened with additional planting and enclosure by boundary hedge/walling to respectively.

• Will deliver a mix of properties (2, 3, 4 beds). 25% (25) would be affordable.

• Density e appropriate for the site and enables sufficient stand off from Morton Lane frontage and provision of open space.

• Good linkage to village centre; Bus stops within 50m (Morton Lane) & 100m (via Sunnycliffe);

• Green Belt Purposes assessment - Purpose 2: Moderate effect; Purpose 3: Moderate/Major; Purpose 4: Moderate. Well defined/permanent boundaries can be provided.