Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)

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Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)

Sustainability Appraisal & Strategic Environmental Assessment - Appendix F - Wharfedale

Representation ID: 29779

Received: 25/03/2021

Respondent: Ilkley Town Council

Representation Summary:

Site IL1/H (SLA ref IL/009) - Wheatley Grove

Inaccuracies and points to address in SA for the site:

7. The negative impact of housing development on the high visual amenity of this area for the local community and visitors has been underestimated and should be seen as a major negative.

8. Ben Rhydding Drive has listed buildings/ heritage assets.

9 - References ‘new employment premises’ (?) yet 130 residential dwellings proposed with associated air pollution within the SSSI Risk Zone (above)

10 –Ben Rhydding Drive is a private not an access road therefore access required via narrow/poor sight lines Wheatley Grove/Wheatley Lane junction increasing the hazards to this junction (which would need re-modelling). It would also direct more traffic up Wheatley Grove round to the narrow/poor sight lines junction with High Wheatleyand then on to the blind corner junction of High Wheatley/Ben Rhydding Road. This increase in car traffic would endanger walkers and cyclists and therefore not supporting national and local active travel policies. The Wheatley Grove access increases the distance from rail station and no frequent buses this is a major negative with a declining baseline.

11 –Building at 18dpha does not meet the Local Plan’s density requirements meaning this development, or one of any increased density does not represent a significant enough contribution to Bradford’s housing numbers and tenure mix to warrant the negative impact of destroying the functionality of this site within a SSSI Impact Risk Zone. This is a major negative.


Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)

Sustainability Appraisal & Strategic Environmental Assessment - Appendix F - Wharfedale

Representation ID: 29780

Received: 25/03/2021

Respondent: Ilkley Town Council

Representation Summary:

Site IL1/H (SLA ref IL/009)

Inaccuracies and points to address in SA for the site:

12 – The distance from accessible services does not support the Local Plans ’15 Minute Neighbourhood approach’

13 – Ben Rhydding/Ilkley’s infrastructure and services are already overstretched and cannot support more (e.g. places at nearest primary schools for children in this area have not always been guaranteed) This is a major negative.

16 – The area is already of substantial regular use and benefit to local residents for the reasons stated and especially during the Covid pandemic. A development of the size proposed would have a major negative impact on the wellbeing of existing residents and PROW users due to destruction of natural habitats. Wharfedale Hospital, Otley is 10km west of the site.

17 – Ilkley Grammar School is the nearest state school. Both the local primary and secondary school are beyond the target distances.

19 – The history and scale of the proposed development show construction is likely to be by a larger developer not smaller local builders. The level of disruption and extra construction traffic could also be a negative for local businesses therefore suggesting a positive/negative effect.


Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)

Sustainability Appraisal & Strategic Environmental Assessment - Appendix F - Wharfedale

Representation ID: 29786

Received: 25/03/2021

Respondent: Ilkley Town Council

Representation Summary:

Site IL2/H (SLA Ref IL/011b)

Agree with Sustainability Assessment and note 6 – Biodiversity and Geodiversity as only area with major negative effect due to triggering ikely significant effects on the South Pennine Moors SPA/SAC and the North Pennine Moors SPA/SAC.

Under 10 – Transport agree the need for a segregated cycle path linked between Ilkley and Addingham (suggest looking again at Wharfedale Greenway route) to alleviate pressure on A65 and work towards a net gain improvement in air and noise quality and social cohesion and enable any development on this site to be car free to support a mix of housing including affordable homes.

Recommend Neutral, as exceptional circumstances for release of Green Belt not demonstrated, but with positives.


Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)

Sustainability Appraisal & Strategic Environmental Assessment - Appendix F - Wharfedale

Representation ID: 29788

Received: 25/03/2021

Respondent: Ilkley Town Council

Representation Summary:

Site IL3/H (SLA ref IL/014) Coutances Way

Agree in the main with the Sustainability Assessment for this site but emphasise NPPF Paras 157 and 160 demand a net improvement to flood risk as a result of new development. However due to the impact of climate change the increase in the number and severity of severe flooding incidents and risk of water pollution experienced in the area over recent years arguably shows the decline in the baseline trend to be accelerating. This results in the A65 area being impassable for all and places residents properties at risk of flooding as well as expensive insurance claims for the well-used (by Ilkley Grammar School, local residents and visitors) Ben Rhydding Sports complex on Coutances Way and probably in time too for the Moss and Moor Garden Centre nest to this.


Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)

Sustainability Appraisal & Strategic Environmental Assessment - Appendix F - Wharfedale

Representation ID: 29797

Received: 25/03/2021

Respondent: Ilkley Town Council

Representation Summary:

Site IL4/H (SLA Ref IL/033)

Agree in the main with the Sustainability Assessment for this site however given the increase in the number and severity of severe flooding incidents and risk of water pollution over recent years consider 4 – Climate change resilience and 5 – Water resources need revising to become major negative effects. The baseline trend has been recognised as declining however due to the impact of climate change this trend has arguably become stronger.

Due to limited car parking facilities further caution is expressed about even sensitive development of this to prevent further adverse effects to 13 – Social cohesion.

Due to major adverse effects on the Ilkley Conservation Area, Old Bridge Scheduled Monument, major and minor adverse effects on natural themed indicators including recent flooding incidents and adverse effects on social cohesion due to limited parking and air quality.

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