Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)

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Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)

Site Assessment Update Report (Feb 2021)

Representation ID: 16865

Received: 23/03/2021

Respondent: Avant Homes

Agent: ID Planning

Representation Summary:

(Page 24/25)
-Object to the proposed rejection of site IL/044.
-We support the proposed allocation of site IL/044 and adjacent site IL/012 to provide a mix of new housing in a sustainable location.
-IL/044 not assessed as part of a Green Belt Parcel.
-An assessment of both sites IL/012 and IL/044 against Green Belt purposes should be undertaken.
-Distribution of new homes to Ilkley is not sufficient to support its growth and focus as a principal town over the Plan period.
-The release of three sites (two on the eastern site) from the Green Belt is insufficient to ensure the protection of the Green Belt boundary beyond the plan period.
-The distribution to housing to Ilkley should be increased and additional sites should be identified to provide sustainable housing.
-Additional safeguarded land sites should be identified to protect the Green Belt boundary beyond the plan period.
-No known constraints to the physical delivery the site.
-Sites are in flood zone 1 and access could be gained from Skipton Road.
-Development would result in encroachment into the countryside but the Council has recognised there are exceptional circumstances through the release of three sites around the town to meet housing need.


Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)

Sustainability Appraisal & Strategic Environmental Assessment – Interim Report

Representation ID: 17325

Received: 23/03/2021

Respondent: Avant Homes

Agent: ID Planning

Representation Summary:

We support the findings of the Sustainability Appraisal for the site which concludes that the site could deliver a major positive effect for residents on the health objectives as a result of being within the target distances for all the necessary health facilities.
-The site scores negatively major adverse effect for two objectives relating to, 3. Land and Buildings and, 6. Biodiversity and geodiversity. In relation to Land and Buildings the SA states;
“There is a large area of greenfield land within the boundary and therefore development on this area would be considered as an inefficient use of the land resource. Southern portion of the site has some hardstanding and an existing building which might present opportunities for reusing structures or construction
materials. ALC Grade 4.”
-This score is based on the size of the site. We agree with the score in accordance with the methodology but note that preferred policy SP5 sets out exceptional circumstances for the release of Green Belt sites to meet the housing requirement. A mixed site, WI1/H is allocated in Wilsden and two greenfield allocations including site WI3/H are allocated to meet the requirement.
-The effect on 6. Biodiversity and geodiversity is scored as major adverse in the sustainability appraisal for all the proposed allocations in Wilsden including site
-Based on the methodology in the Interim SA/ SEA report and size of the site we consider the score for site WI3/H should be minor adverse. With regard to the potential impact on the local or regional designations, further information is required to inform if there is any negative impact on sites more than 3km away.
-Site WI3/H scores negatively (minor adverse) in relation to energy and greenhouse gases, waste, water resources, landscape and townscape, cultural heritage and air quality. It is considered that future site specific information and development proposals will ensure adverse effects on these criteria are avoided or mitigated.
-Positive scores are given to all other 10-19 socio economic themed sustainability objectives which we support.
- We support the Green Belt Assessment which concludes that the site performs a low role when assessed against the purposes of the Green Belt. The existing green belt boundary in the area is weak, development of the site could provide a new boundary consistent with the landscape character of the area.

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