Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)
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Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)
Site Assessment Update Report (Feb 2021)
Representation ID: 17670
Received: 23/03/2021
Respondent: Bannister Investments Limited
Agent: ID Planning
These representations are made in relation to two sites, Land to the north of Banner Grange (BU/005) and Bradford Road (BU/014) in Burley in Wharfedale. We object to sites BU/005 and BU/014 being rejected as preferred housing allocations.
We consider the sites should be allocated as Preferred Housing Allocations to support the delivery of sustainable housing in the Local Growth Centre of Burley in Wharfedale. The sites are available and deliverable for development in the short term.
There are no known physical constraints that would prevent the development of these sites for residential use and we support the allocation of revised site BU/005 and BU/014 in the Local Plan to provide additional housing to meet identified local needs.