Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)

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Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)

Open Space Needs and Demand Assessment 2020

Representation ID: 23781

Received: 22/07/2021

Respondent: Fields in Trust

Representation Summary:

Assessment references Fields in Trust (FiT) and cites its guidance. Recognised the assessment utilises a community survey to judge needs and demands. Survey is more comprehensive than many and it illustrates Council’s commitment to open space provision.

Council has a good portfolio of amenity greenspace that is highly valued in terms of frequency of visits. Would there be a consideration in protecting these spaces with FiT? Survey shows people are prepared/expect to travel 10/15 minutes to amenity green space, so protection would ensure these local spaces on doorsteps are preserved.

Respondents are mostly satisfied with provision. Could be safeguarded with FiT to ensure this remains. FiT interest to understand amount time people are prepared to travel to different typologies.

Number of key sites have been identified in the survey. Would encourage the council to discuss protecting all these sites.

Noted that other sites are cited for each areas as being additionally important. Would welcome opportunity to apply research to helps shape a protection strategy.


Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)

Open Space Audit Report 2021

Representation ID: 23782

Received: 23/03/2021

Respondent: Fields in Trust

Representation Summary:

Fields in Trust (FiT) would welcome opportunity to work with the council in ensuring protection of open spaces. Noted that FiT is referenced in the Audit in relation to standards and that Council has considered up to date standards.

Proposed standards for amenity green space falls below FiT standards whilst those for natural/semi-natural green space provision also fall short. Bolsters the case for protection of amenity green space. Council could be more ambitious with standards for natural/semi-natural green space provision, given the shortfall against FiT standards. Provision of this typology is crucial in combatting climate change.

Current provision and standard for parks, pitch and sport provision exceeds FiT standards. Play areas identified as main facility lacking in the assessment. there is scope for play protection where new play areas are provided to safeguard this provision/investment.

Accessibility standards are similar to FiT standards, although those for amenity green space and natural/semi-natural green space goes beyond them.

There is an opportunity to investigate strategic mapping/modelling work in relation to typologies.

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