Bradford District Local Plan - Interactive Map
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Bradford District Local Plan - Interactive Map
Bradford District Local Plan - Interactive Map
Representation ID: 29256
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Environment Agency
We also have the following comments relating to the interactive map and the proposed site allocations for the local plan:
- We recommend that the base map is changed to be in colour. At present the grey-scale base map makes it extremely difficult to pick out important environmental features, such as rivers and streams or other surface water bodies. Adding a colour base map would quickly address this issue.
- We note that some ecological / environmental layers are already included within the interactive map – e.g. SSSI, LNRs etc. We support this. However, added to the above point, we recommend that the map should also include an additional layer(s) to indicate the location of green and blue infrastructure. As there is a specific policy within the local plan dedicated to Green and Blue Infrastructure we feel that currently this is a significant omission. As part of this additional layer(s) information such as the existing detailed river network could be mapped. This is recommended so that the proximity of proposed development sites can be easily cross-referenced with areas of high ecological importance.