Call for sites form
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Residential affordable housing. 10 to 12 units possibly
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Spring Nooks, Higherwood Close
The land is becoming rough scrubland having not been tended for some years. There is no ecological feature of interest.
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To remain in keeping with the surrounding properties, a relatively low housing density is proposed, with a total of maybe six detached or 8 to 10 semi-detached houses of around 100 square metres of accommodation per property, with good sized gardens. It is also proposed to keep the footpath that has been established by use and to create an open communal area as pleasant greenspace for the benefit of local residents.
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I believe that all potential restrictions are covered in the full and free rights of way referred to in neighbouring property titles.
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want to build 4 -6 houses with access from 4 lynmoor court or from the new estate at the back
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11.763 Ha
Windhill Shipley
Former railway Shipley To Thackley
Land is a former railway line, and a former quarry. There are trees, though none are thought to be of particular value, the majority species are non-native Sycamore.
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This is a substantial site. Access for heavy vehicles during construction phase will be through Walker Place. Later residential access will be from Thackley Old Road. We would wish to discuss the mix of units with BDMC prior to getting a Masterplan created, but we see in excess of 1000 units ranging from 1 bed flats to detatched family homes, and provision to accomodate multi-generational families will be made. The density will be around 100 units per Ha. All units will be either Affordable Homes, Self Build/Custom homes , or Specialist Housing. Those plots not delegated to the Self-Build sector will be designed to Passivhaus energy efficiency standard. Because of the proximity to the station and local buses, and the type of customer we have in mind, there will be a smaller than normal car parking requirement, which would be supplemented by a communal car club. All units will of course meet or exceed National Planning sizes, and will be for rent, not for sale. Site preparation will involve excavation of the cliff slope. The material removed will be crushed on site and used to make concrete for the project. It is envisage that the site will not export any of the excavated material, so will have minimal transport impact on the locality during construction.
It is envisaged that the site will operate an "off-grid" approach to water and sewerage, with on site waste treatment, and rainwater management.
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Former Railway Line at Thackley
Former railway Shipley To Thackley
The railway was engineered in the 1860's. The western part of the site is an embankment, carrying the railway across the prevailing slope of the land. The eastern part is in a rock cutting typically about 10m deep, increasing towards Thackley Corner to a depth of 15m. The site was lined on either side of the track bed with trees, principally non-native Sycamore. These trees were managed by British Rail with coppicing every 20 years. They were last coppiced around 1970. There are no other ecological features of importance. The eastern end of the site is quite inaccessible to the public, though suffers some fly tipping, while a path used by dog-walkers in particular has been made along the western part of the site. Fencing and walling which enclosed the site along Crag Hill Road has been looted, leaving the site open to fly-tipping, so urban blight is sadly now a feature of the Crag Hill Road..
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The proposed development will be a purpose dessigned retirement community, with purpose designed apartments for the self-sufficient, and progressive provision for greater care on the site, increasing to full nursing care provided in buildings at the western end of the site. Depending on the density a visually acceptable design would achieve we estimate 120 apartments at the eastern end of the site would be possible plus a care capacity of 100 and a nursing capacity of 75. The proposed design would also include an area of car parking to benefit some of the residents of Crag Hill Road at night when not required for visitors. The local shops and services at Thackley would be very handy for the new residents,
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Agreement will be necessary from Network Rail regarding use of their structures to facilitate passage along the site through the tunnel / bridges in their ownership.
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South of Brow Road, Haworth
There are a few small trees on the site on the Brow Road frontage. It is considered that there is nothing of significant value that would merit a tree preservation order and would therefore prevent development from proceeding. The remainder of the land is grazed pasture and is of no particular ecological value.
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At a typical housing mix and density of 30 dwellings / ha the site could accommodate approximately 37 dwellings. The site owner would support the site coming forward for residential development, but would also consider an alternative housing use such as a self build housing site, or a specialist housing and accommodation site (such as extra care sheltered housing site). The site is close to the village centre and would be particularly suitable for a development such as extra care housing.
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The land is currently vacant and there is no intention to re-let it.
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St Luke's Church, Dane Hill Drive, Bradford
Former church including car park and surrounding grounds
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The site can be easily accessed from Dane Hill Drive and could be laid out in a number of ways to deliver housing. Approximately 1/3 of teh site is currently developed with building and car park. The site could be laid out with a mix of dwellings and apartments to reflect existing developments along Dane Hill Drive. The site is currently set to grass with little amenity, landscape or recreation value - this could be considered / enhanced as part of an allocation. The site would also be suitable for possible specialist housing uses although the preference is residential. The site is available, suitable and achievable with no known issues relating to ground conditions or drainage / flood risk. The site can be easily accessed and is accessible given its proximity to bus services, local shops and services. This is therefore a sustainable and deliverable site within the main urban area of Bradford. The site forms part of a wider greenspace designation - it appears to be identified as amenity greenspace. Having viewed the Evidence Base on this matter it is noted there is a slight deficiency of amenity greenspace in Bradford SE but part development of this wider designation could provide opportunity to enhance (physically or via contributions) the open space or consider an alternative typology. It is therefore considered the site is suitable as a housing allocation.
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7.122 total area - Site D (3.81ha), Site E (2.61ha)
Regional City, Bradford South East
Greenfield site on the edge of the built up area of Delf Hill, adjacent to SE/077
See Landscape Appraisal accompanying Representation to Bradford District Local Plan submitted by Athena Planning and Development by email to on behalf of Mr PJ and G Martin dated March 2021 for Sites SW14/H, SW/034B, SE/077 and further potential development land at Royds Hall Farm.
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The development of this site could involve circa 300 residential units. See Representation to Bradford District Local Plan submitted by Athena Planning and Development by email to on behalf of Mr PJ and G Martin dated March 2021 for Sites SW14/H, SW/034B, SE/077 and further potential development land at Royds Hall Farm.
See accompanying Representation to Bradford District Local Plan submitted by Athena Planning and Development by email to on behalf of Mr PJ and G Martin dated March 2021 for Sites SW14/H, SW/034B, SE/077 and further potential development land at Royds Hall Farm.
See accompanying Representation to Bradford District Local Plan submitted by Athena Planning and Development by email to on behalf of Mr PJ and G Martin dated March 2021 for Sites SW14/H, SW/034B, SE/077 and further potential development land at Royds Hall Farm.
See accompanying Representation to Bradford District Local Plan submitted by Athena Planning and Development by email to on behalf of Mr PJ and G Martin dated March 2021 for Sites SW14/H, SW/034B, SE/077 and further potential development land at Royds Hall Farm.
0.231 hectares
Ian Clough Hall, Hallcliffe Baildon BD17 6ND
Car parking
Few trees in the green area, neighbouring property has some with TPOs
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Current discussions are around retirement flats, probably more than one storey. Say region of 15 -20.
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Adjacent to Esso petrol station Otley Road, Baildon. Sandwiched between Otley Road and Esholt Lane
Some horse grazing. There is a public footpath along one side of the land.
There are trees down two boundaries.
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Housing, mixed sizes, number depends on site survey, protection of footpath and trees.
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15- 20 units
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Off cockin Lane
Animal Grazing previously used as amenity land- cricket pitch
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5.5 ha
Deanstones Farm, Deanstones Lane, Queensbury BD13 2LL
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Mixed 2, 3 and 4 bed housing
Close to school and local centre within walking distance
Although current farming use this would cease
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Suggestion is for a small block of flats, perhaps 6 dwellings. The site is tight.
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Approximately 400 dwellings
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Please see association submission under consultation question 88 in respect of included this site within the Bradford South West allocations and to be included within Draft Policy SP08.
Aire Valley House, Croft Road, Crossflatts, Bingley, BD16 2UA
Offices and associated car park.
A number of established trees are located to the site perimeter for landscaping purposes, however these are not subject to TPO, no irs the iste situated within a designated conservation area. Morton Beck transects the site from north to south.
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60 residential units with commercial uses at ground floor
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Please see representations made to consultation question 88 and draft policy SP08
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6 -10 units of cottage type.
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ownership and intentions unclear
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Erect a wind turbine / energy storage system to provide a local renewable energy scheme for the Euroway Industrial Estate.
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22 ha
Land north of Whitehall Road, Wyke
See representations document submitted on behalf of Harworth Group & Nufarm UK Ltd. Please note the site is 22 ha in total, of which 21 ha in Bradford district and 1 ha in Kirklees (abutting Whitehall Road).
Industrial (Class B2) and Storage/Distribution (Class B8). Approx. 60,000 sqm total floorspace. Range of unit sizes between 1,000 sqm and 7,000 sqm. Scale and layout able to satisfy HSE COMAH advice.
All utilities able to be delivered as part of comprehensive development.
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This site could be developed in association with site AD7/H (draft allocation) to provide an additional 5 dwellings without adding any significant environmental impacts. The site is currently used for grazing and has mature trees along its boundaries. These could be strengthened to the east and south as part of development to prevent views from the highways. The proposed site is limited to an area which does not include the entire field to set development back from the main highways. There are site allocations to the north and east. Like those allocations, this site is available for immediate development. The site is within flood one 1. It could be accessed from Silsden Road, Turner Lane or through site AD7/H following its development. The site is within 400m of a bus stop with an hourly service during the daytime. Although the site is located within the green belt, its removal would be in the context of site AD7/H and would constitute only a small addition to that boundary change. With sensitive design, boundary tree planting and retention of a gap before the roundabout to the west and landscape enhancement, this site would represent a sensible rounding off of site AD7/H.
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Water Processing Plant
Amafhh Investments are looking for a site to develop an environmental friendly water processing and bottling plant (requiring approximately 3,500 sq m of of floorspace). This general location, close to Chellow Dene reservoir has been identified as a possible location, with access being taken from the B6144 . Amafhh is looking to explore whether this site, or adjoining land, is capable of meeting its requirements with the Council.
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Lane End, Baildon
Mown amenity grass
There is a belt of mixed trees to the immediate north of the site, on the edge of the common land. These were planted or have seeded since the majority of the hamlet of Lane End was demolished. The only other obvious feature on the site is a gas governor kiosk.
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The original hamlet of Lane End was a very dense community of cottages. A future development would most suitably follow the density of the neighbouring properties at 1 to 7 Green Road (situated to the immediate east) and the remaining properties at Lane End (situated to the immediate west).
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The gas governor kiosk is on the edge of the site and could likely be accommodated into a development layout.
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Neighbouring densities and uses suggest that older persons' bungalows would be suitable with space for up to ten units.
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The land is very rarely used for any purpose. It is ancillary to the main Cliffe Avenue recreation ground.
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Between Number 50 and Number 56 Temple Rhydding Drive, Baildon
Edge of recreation ground
A small tree, some walling, railings and low quality shrubbery.
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Immediately neighbouring densities suggest small family houses of up to several units.
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There is an electricity substation on the edge of the site but its location would not obstruct redevelopment. Access to the recreation ground could be maintained as there are two paths into it from Temple Rhydding Drive, one of which is at the far end of the site.
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Neighbouring densities suggest family housing or flats of perhaps a few units.
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Neighbouring densities suggest two units of family housing.
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The use of the land for car parking is very occasional and the site is not well configured for parking and is unattractive in its current state.
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