Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Call for Sites (Feb 2021)

Ended on the 24 March 2021

Bradford Local Plan (Regulation 18)

Final 'Call for Sites' - Submission Form

This 'Call for Sites' submission form has been produced by Bradford Council and is part of its statutory duty to prepare a Local Plan. Please use it to provide information on any new site/s which you wish the Council to consider for development.

The Council is particularly interested in the following site submissions at this stage:

  • Residential sites particularly within the Regional City of Bradford.
  • Sites for mineral extraction.
  • Sites for waste disposal / recycling.
  • Sites for Gypsy and Traveller Pitches.
  • Sites for Renewable Energy (solar and wind primarily).
  • Custom and Self-Build Housing Sites.
  • Specialist Housing and Accommodation Sites

The Council kindly requests that forms are not submitted for sites which have already been considered which are either identified as either a Preferred Option or have been rejected as there is provision as part of this consultation for comments to be made on these sites.

In completing this form please provide as much information as possible and attach a site plan which clearly shows the precise site boundaries of the land you wish Bradford Council consider.

Please note: A site cannot be accepted without a site plan. One form should be used for each site. Attach extra sheets as necessary.

Data Protection Statement 

Any information we receive will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. A Local Plan Privacy Statement sets out how the CBMDC Local Plan Team processes your personal data.  This notice should also be read in conjunction with the Council’s Corporate Privacy Notice and other specific service notices, which are available to view at https://www.bradford.gov.uk/privacy-notice/.

Call for sites form

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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