
Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)

Representation ID: 29864

Received: 24/03/2021

Respondent: Batty Developments Ltd

Agent: Heritage Planning Design Ltd

Representation Summary:

Site SH4/H (SLA Ref SH/026)

Biodiversity & geodiversity
The site is assessed as - - (major negative) against this sustainability objective. However, the assessment is presumptuous and overly pessimistic, without good reason. In-line with the pre-application inquiry submitted, protected trees and woodland on-site will be protected and retained, and the Developer will be working with BI Ecology (letter attached as appendix 2) with the aim of achieving net gains for biodiversity and green infrastructure, in-line with the NPPF.

As the site is within 7km of the South Pennine Moors SPA/SCA, it is acknowledged that Habitat Regulations Assessment must be undertaken but the potential for significant effects is very low. At worst, the site should be assessed as +/- (neutral) on the whole.

Landscape & townscape
The site is assessed as - (minor negative) against this sustainability objective. The development would inevitably result in the loss of open land. However, development of the site would not result in the loss of any protected trees or woodland. It is agreed that the relationship of the site with existing built form, limits magnitude of potential effects on the landscape. The Design Team have not identified any long views upon which there will be significant negative effects and will be working with PWP Design (Landscape Architects) (letter attached as appendix 3) to ensure good design and appropriate mitigation.