
Supporting Documents of the Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Feb 2021)

Representation ID: 29917

Received: 24/03/2021

Respondent: The Laver Family

Number of people: 2

Agent: Johnson Mowat

Representation Summary:

Regarding sites BA2/H and BA6/H.
The Council’s heritage impact assessment puts forward a number of potential mitigation measures including the creation of a landscape buffer to the northern edge of the development, retention of tree clusters and use of sympathetic materials. These measures are supported and a summary of recommended mitigation measures is set out below:
▪ The creation of a structural landscape buffer to the northern boundaries of the sites in order to screen, as far as practical, new buildings in views from the north:
▪ Development set back from the northern edges of the site. This could be achieved through layout of garden land and open space:
▪ A relatively low density of development to allow visual permeability through the sites.
▪ Maximum dwelling heights of 2-storeys:
▪ Landscaping and open space provision within the site in order to break up the visual massing of the development