Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
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Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
OX2/H - Cross Lane
Representation ID: 1039
Received: 09/03/2021
Respondent: Eric Breare Design
This site has been identified as village green-space for good reasons. Its topography, overlapping woodland with TPO, Moorhouse Beck meandering along the western / northern boundaries lined with trees & hedgerows the site contributes greatly to the setting of the area particularly Oxenhope Station Conservation area, where there are long distance views of the surrounding moorland.
An important hedgerow across the middle of the site protected by the Hedgerow Regulation. Enforced under the Environment Act 1997, restricts the removal of hedgerows.
Land is a wildlife corridor, dear regularly come down from the moor to graze in the field.
Houses would form an incongruous feature adjacent to the conservation area for visitors.
Surface water flooding would surcharge sewer flooding raw sewerage into houses. Access dangerous on bad corner known for accidents. Clash with school traffic.
Land too steep to develop. Roads at 1in10 excessive excavation would blight & scare landscape.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
OX2/H - Cross Lane
Representation ID: 1131
Received: 10/03/2021
Respondent: Eric Breare Design
This site has been identified as village green-space for good reasons. Its topography, overlapping woodland with TPO, Moorhouse Beck meandering along the western / northern boundaries lined with trees & hedgerows the site contributes greatly to the setting of the area particularly Oxenhope Station Conservation area, where there are long distance views of the surrounding moorland.
An important hedgerow across the middle of the site protected by the Hedgerow Regulation. Enforced under the Environment Act 1997, restricts the removal of hedgerows.
Land is a wildlife corridor, dear regularly come down from the moor to graze in the field.
Houses would form an incongruous feature adjacent to the conservation area for visitors.
Surface water flooding would surcharge sewer flooding raw sewerage into houses. Access dangerous on bad corner known for accidents. Clash with school traffic.
Land too steep to develop. Roads at 1in10 excessive excavation would blight & scare landscape.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
OX1/H - Crossfield Road
Representation ID: 2224
Received: 19/03/2021
Respondent: Eric Breare Design
The site is within the Green Belt and protected from development.
No point in having a Green Belt if land is allowed to be developed, This devalues Green Belt .
Severe effect on Woodland and TPO.
Surface water flooding at 40% . Major adverse effects have been predicted for the climate change resilience SA Objective, this is too great to develop the site.
Flooding would surcharge sewer, flooding raw sewerage into adjacent properties.
Site access too narrow and too steep for adopted roads at 1in 10 gradient, land too narrow at access for excavations near to existing trees.
Access not in same ownership, residents will not allow there land to be used.
Other more suitable land is available on Denholme Road Leeming. SHLAA reference OX/001, land should not be green space because it does not contribute in any way to the setting of the area.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 135
Representation ID: 30213
Received: 22/03/2021
Respondent: Eric Breare Design
-Object to the rejection of OX/001 and the allocation of the site as Local Green Space.
-Site history of being allocated for housing development following an appeal to the Local Development plan (UALP).
-The planning inspector stated that its development should be guided by a Design Brief to be produced by CBMDC, pre PPG3.
-This land was re-allocated as Village Green Space.
-SHLAA assessment described as :- “Village green-space notation does not represent the site as it has no public access and does not contribute in any way to the setting of the area. Slightly sloping grubby field between houses”.
-When the site is judged by the development team on its own merit, the site should not be Local Green Space. It is only following consultation with the Parish Council that this designation is allocated.
-Site does not meet the criteria for Local Green Space as set out in the Oxenhope Neighbourhood Plan. Local Green Space designation should only be used where the site is demonstrably special and holds local significance because of its beauty, historic significance, recreational value and richness of its wildlife. There are no special features to the field.