Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

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Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

AD4/H - Main Street / Addingham Bypass (West)

Representation ID: 4016

Received: 23/03/2021

Respondent: Ilkley Clean River Group

Representation Summary:

Ilkley Clean River Group (ICRG) object to this plan because of the adverse impact the new houses and supporting infrastructure will have on river water quality.
The combined sewage and drainage system is already overwhelmed and these new buildings will directly lead to a degradation in water quality through more unauthorised sewage discharges directly into the river in Ilkley.
The Addingham at Low Mill CSO flows directly into a dry stream which is already a health hazard and the sewage from these additional houses will make that worse.
SuDS mitigation plans for run-off water in neighbouring Ilkley have been shown to be inadequate as there is currently a challenge on the adequacy of these plans at the new Moss & Moor Garden Centre.
Note: the Addingham sewage system runs into the Ilkley sewage system (which is already overwhelmed) so we also object to the plans for new houses in Ilkley.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

AD5/H - Chapel Street

Representation ID: 4018

Received: 23/03/2021

Respondent: Ilkley Clean River Group

Representation Summary:

Ilkley Clean River Group (ICRG) object to this plan because of the adverse impact the new houses and supporting infrastructure will have on river water quality.
The combined sewage and drainage system is already overwhelmed and these new buildings will directly lead to a degradation in water quality through more unauthorised sewage discharges directly into the river in Ilkley.
The Addingham at Low Mill CSO flows directly into a dry stream which is already a health hazard and the sewage from these additional houses will make that worse.
SuDS mitigation plans for run-off water in neighbouring Ilkley have been shown to be inadequate as there is currently a challenge on the adequacy of these plans at the new Moss & Moor Garden Centre.
Note: the Addingham sewage system runs into the Ilkley sewage system (which is already overwhelmed) so we also object to the plans for new houses in Ilkley.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

AD6/H - Moor Lane

Representation ID: 4019

Received: 23/03/2021

Respondent: Ilkley Clean River Group

Representation Summary:

Ilkley Clean River Group (ICRG) object to this plan because of the adverse impact the new houses and supporting infrastructure will have on river water quality.
The combined sewage and drainage system is already overwhelmed and these new buildings will directly lead to a degradation in water quality through more unauthorised sewage discharges directly into the river in Ilkley.
The Addingham at Low Mill CSO flows directly into a dry stream which is already a health hazard and the sewage from these additional houses will make that worse.
SuDS mitigation plans for run-off water in neighbouring Ilkley have been shown to be inadequate as there is currently a challenge on the adequacy of these plans at the new Moss & Moor Garden Centre.
Note: the Addingham sewage system runs into the Ilkley sewage system (which is already overwhelmed) so we also object to the plans for new houses in Ilkley.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

AD7/H - Turner Lane/Silsden Road

Representation ID: 4020

Received: 23/03/2021

Respondent: Ilkley Clean River Group

Representation Summary:

Ilkley Clean River Group (ICRG) object to this plan because of the adverse impact the new houses and supporting infrastructure will have on river water quality.
The combined sewage and drainage system is already overwhelmed and these new buildings will directly lead to a degradation in water quality through more unauthorised sewage discharges directly into the river in Ilkley.
The Addingham at Low Mill CSO flows directly into a dry stream which is already a health hazard and the sewage from these additional houses will make that worse.
SuDS mitigation plans for run-off water in neighbouring Ilkley have been shown to be inadequate as there is currently a challenge on the adequacy of these plans at the new Moss & Moor Garden Centre.
Note: the Addingham sewage system runs into the Ilkley sewage system (which is already overwhelmed) so we also object to the plans for new houses in Ilkley.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

AD8/H - Church Street/Main Street

Representation ID: 4021

Received: 23/03/2021

Respondent: Ilkley Clean River Group

Representation Summary:

Ilkley Clean River Group (ICRG) object to this plan because of the adverse impact the new houses and supporting infrastructure will have on river water quality.
The combined sewage and drainage system is already overwhelmed and these new buildings will directly lead to a degradation in water quality through more unauthorised sewage discharges directly into the river in Ilkley.
The Addingham at Low Mill CSO flows directly into a dry stream which is already a health hazard and the sewage from these additional houses will make that worse.
SuDS mitigation plans for run-off water in neighbouring Ilkley have been shown to be inadequate as there is currently a challenge on the adequacy of these plans at the new Moss & Moor Garden Centre.
Note: the Addingham sewage system runs into the Ilkley sewage system (which is already overwhelmed) so we also object to the plans for new houses in Ilkley.

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