Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

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Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

NW7/H - Acacia Drive, Sandy Lane

Representation ID: 3739

Received: 23/03/2021

Respondent: Sandy Lane Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Sandy Lane Parish Council object strongly to the proposed development of this site to house 100 dwellings: in addition to the highly significant 'constraints' detailed below, the Parish Council's concerns regard the Plans’ impact on existing services and facilities, transport, access for sites, lack of capacity on sites as identified, and impact on heritage sites such as listed buildings locally. Specifically the Parish Council’s concerns regard further development in the parish with no infrastructure to support this - there is already an over-subscribed school, no doctors, no shops, etc. - as well as the existing highways limitations, and the fact that this is Green Belt land.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

NW9/H - Wilsden Road/West Avenue, Sandy Lane

Representation ID: 3742

Received: 23/03/2021

Respondent: Sandy Lane Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Sandy Lane Parish Council object strongly to the proposed development of this site to house 22 dwellings: in addition to the highly significant 'constraints' detailed below, the Parish Council's concerns regard the Plans’ impact on existing services and facilities, transport, access for sites, and impact on heritage sites such as listed buildings locally. Specifically the Parish Council’s concerns are focused upon any further development in the parish with no infrastructure to support this - there is already an over-subscribed school, no doctors, no shops, etc. - as well as the fact that this is Green Belt land, and the existing highways limitations. The highways limitations are an imperative objection in this already built up area, where cars from the local garage are already parked on roads, including on double yellow lines, causing obstruction at times, and further development in the area would only serve to acerbate this further.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

NW10/H - Allerton Road, Prune Park Lane

Representation ID: 3744

Received: 23/03/2021

Respondent: Sandy Lane Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Sandy Lane Parish Council object strongly to the proposed development of this site to house 160 dwellings: in addition to the highly significant 'constraints' detailed below, the Parish Council's concerns regard the Plans’ impact on existing services and facilities, transport, access for sites, flood risk, and impact on heritage sites such as listed buildings locally. Specifically the Parish Council’s concerns are focused upon any further development in the parish with no infrastructure to support this - there is already an over-subscribed school, and no doctors - as well as the existing highways limitations, the fact that this is Green Belt land, and the flood risk. The flood risk is an imperative objection in this already built up area, where there are several areas subject to surface water flooding, which further development in the area would only serve to acerbate.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

NW11/H - North Parade, Allerton

Representation ID: 3746

Received: 23/03/2021

Respondent: Sandy Lane Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Sandy Lane Parish Council object strongly to the proposed development of this site to house 45 dwellings: in addition to the highly significant 'constraints' detailed below, the Parish Council's concerns regard the Plans’ impact on existing services and facilities and transport within the parish of Sandy Lane, even though the development is not within the parish. Specifically the Parish Council’s concerns are focused upon the existing highways limitations, which are an imperative objection in this already built up area: the traffic travelling through Sandy Lane is already too large for the infrastructure, and any further developments in the area would only serve to acerbate this further. There are also concerns regarding the site's close proximity to Chellow Dene, a lot of which does lie within the Sandy Lane parish, and also its close proximity to a former land fill site and quarry.

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