Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
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Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SH4/H - Glenview Drive, Bankfield Road, Nabwood
Representation ID: 16744
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Shipley Town Council
- No exceptional circumstances for green belt removal.
- This site is not sustainable
- The site contains several areas of mature trees and woodland - important for local wildlife and biodiversity - thus contravenes the stated objective of The Woodland Strategy for Bradford.
- contravenes a core principle of Bradford’s Sustainable Development Action Plan, ‘Living within environmental limits’
- will have an adverse impact on water quality
- The loss of this greenbelt site is likely to exacerbate the flood risk for nearby land
- contravenes Bradford’s Local Flood Risk Management Strategy of December 2016
- adverse environmental and social impacts of this housing proposal on the local road network and the residential areas that these roads serve;
- adverse impact on air quality;
- increased pressures on local services and infrastructure;
- the nearby primary school is currently over-subscribed
- site is highly unlikely to make a sufficient contribution to meeting social housing need in our area
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SH5/H - Bingley Road, Nabwood
Representation ID: 16745
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Shipley Town Council
- loss of one of the last areas of open landscape between Shipley and Cottingley;
- loss of access to greenspace - contravenes Public Health England document and part of Outcome 4 of Bradford’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-2023;
- no exceptional circumstances for change to green belt boundaries;
- not sustainable locations for development;
- loss of mature trees along site boundaries and loss of wildlife habitat - contravene The Woodland Strategy for Bradford District 2012-2028 and Bradford’s Sustainable Development Action Plan, ‘Living within environmental limits’;
- loss of these greenbelt sites is likely to exacerbate the flood risk for nearby land and contravenes Bradford’s Local Flood Risk Management Strategy of December 2016;
- adverse environmental and social impacts of this housing proposal on the local road network and residential areas contravening Policy SP7;
- increased noise and air pollution;
- Pressures on services and infrastructure;
- the sites are unlikely to make a sufficient contribution to meeting social housing need in our area;
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SH6/H - Bankfield Farm, Nabwood
Representation ID: 16746
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Shipley Town Council
- loss of one of the last areas of open landscape between Shipley and Cottingley;
- loss of access to greenspace - contravenes Public Health England document and part of Outcome 4 of Bradford’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-2023;
- no exceptional circumstances for change to green belt boundaries;
- not sustainable locations for development;
- loss of mature trees along site boundaries and loss of wildlife habitat - contravene The Woodland Strategy for Bradford District 2012-2028 and Bradford’s Sustainable Development Action Plan, ‘Living within environmental limits’;
- loss of these greenbelt sites is likely to exacerbate the flood risk for nearby land and contravenes Bradford’s Local Flood Risk Management Strategy of December 2016;
- adverse environmental and social impacts of this housing proposal on the local road network and residential areas contravening Policy SP7;
- increased noise and air pollution;
- Pressures on services and infrastructure;
- the sites are unlikely to make a sufficient contribution to meeting social housing need in our area;