Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
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Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 88
Representation ID: 23641
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Patchett Developments Ltd
Agent: Johnson Mowat
Objection to the rejection of site SW/004
The site is rejected in the SLA on the basis that there is no suitable highway access.
Appendix 1 clearly shows that SW/004 can be accessed from Holts Lane / Delph Drive through an extension of the adopted Highway.
SW/004 provides a logical extension to the recently constructed development sitting adjacent to the its western boundary. It would also be bordered by properties on Delph Grove and Delph Terrace and therefore has defensible boundaries to the south, west and east.
The site is well located to provide residents with good access to jobs, services, transport and health facilities.
The plan should identify additional sites to meet a housing requirement of 2,300 dph
The site is deliverable, unconstrained housing sites capable of delivering housing to meet the identified housing requirement.
There are no known viability issues and the site could deliver the full S106 requirements.
There are no environmental constraints associated with the site that cannot be dealt with via appropriate design.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 88
Representation ID: 23642
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Patchett Developments Ltd
Agent: Johnson Mowat
Objection to the rejection of site SW/146
The site is rejected in the SLA on the basis that there is no suitable highway access.
Appendix 2 clearly shows that SW/146 can be accessed using an adoptable but slightly amended highway arrangement.
SW/146 borders properties on Delph Grove and therefore in conjunction with residential development can provides opportunities for significant landscape planting and the creation of formal / informal open space. SW/146 is also a logical extension to the urban edge.
The site is well located to provide residents with good access to jobs, services, transport and health facilities.
The plan should identify additional sites to meet a housing requirement of 2,300 dph
The site is deliverable, unconstrained housing sites capable of delivering housing to meet the identified housing requirement.
There are no known viability issues and the site could deliver the full S106 requirements.
There are no environmental constraints associated with the site that cannot be dealt with via appropriate design.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 9
Representation ID: 30109
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Patchett Developments Ltd
Agent: Johnson Mowat
Housing Distribution – Bradford South West
The Draft Local Plan significantly increases the urban focus by directing more development to Bradford City Centre. The Plan proposes 7,000 dwellings in the City Centre, a significant uplift from 3,500 in the Core Strategy, and 4,000 in the Draft CSPR.
The Council have therefore applied an urban focus uplift in terms of the distribution of development but without applying an uplift to the overall requirement. This results in a whole shift away from the distribution identified in the adopted Core Strategy, with disproportionate reductions to the majority of sustainable settlements and sub areas in the District, including Bradford SW.
It is now the intention of the Plan to reduce the overall requirement for Bradford SW to 3,175 dwellings. This is not supported by our client; it is our clients position that the overall requirement for the both Bradford South West and the District as a whole should be significant higher.
Additional material and suggested changes provided in submission document.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 9
Representation ID: 30110
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Patchett Developments Ltd
Agent: Johnson Mowat
Housing Distribution - Bradford NW
The Local Plan should identify additional sites in and on the edge of the urban area to accommodate the 35% housing requirement uplift.
Given the Government’s commitment and objective of significantly boosting the supply of housing the direction of travel by the Council in the Bradford North West sub area does not follow this required drive. There has been a continual reduction of housing directed to Bradford North West over time despite its status as part of the Regional City continuing.
The proposed apportion of dwellings to Bradford North West falls significantly short of the baseline population proportionate distribution of 4,043.
It may be suggested that the same proportional distribution as the adopted Core Strategy be maintained and this be applied to the Local Housing Need figure (excluding the 35% uplift), then the uplift figure be added and distributed across the Regional City areas - this would give a housing requirement for Bradford NW of 3,909
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
NW7/H - Acacia Drive, Sandy Lane
Representation ID: 30111
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Patchett Developments Ltd
Agent: Johnson Mowat
NW7/H – Acacia Drive, Sandy Lane
This site is capable of supporting relevant elements of the Local Area Strategy including new quality housing, new and enhanced open spaces, support for the vitality and viability of the Allerton Local centre and other local services, and integrated safe active travel routes (cycling and walking) through neighborhoods.
Following the publication of the Draft Local Pan there has been a significant level of interest from housebuilders in NW7/H.
The development considerations contained in the individual Site Details in the Draft Local Plan are achievable.
There are no known viability issues and there are no environmental constraints associated with the site that cannot be dealt with via appropriate design.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SW1/H - Back Fold, Clayton
Representation ID: 30113
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Patchett Developments Ltd
Agent: Johnson Mowat
This response supports the inclusion of Site SW1/H.
Site SW1/H will contribute towards the housing need in Bradford South West. The site lies in a sustainable location, close to existing services and facilities. It is available, suitable and deliverable.
The Sustainability Appraisal confirms SW1/H is well located to provide residents with good access to shops, jobs, buses and cultural spaces, with particularly good access to schools and health facilities.
SW1/H sits adjacent to the Clayton Conservation Area and is in proximity to a number of Listed Building. In order to preserve the rural character and setting of the conservation area, SW1/H will look to retain the identified key open space.
There are no environmental constraints associated with the site that cannot be dealt with via appropriate design. The development of SW1/H would form a logical extension to the urban edge.
Over the last 5 years our client has been actively promoting SW1/H
Once SW1/H is ‘Allocated’ our client will be looking to submit a planning application almost immediately. In this context the Delivery Timescales should be amended to 0 – 5 years.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SW5/H - Langberries, Clayton Heights
Representation ID: 30114
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Patchett Developments Ltd
Agent: Johnson Mowat
This response supports the inclusion of Site SW5/H (but note there is a separate objection to the non-identification of the remaining extent of Site SW5/H).
The SA indicates that the site is well located to provide residents with good access to jobs, services, transport and health facilities.
The sites are deliverable with a willing land promoter on board to ensure the sites come forward in the short term.
The Green Belt site specific assessment concludes that site SW5/H would have a moderate impact on the green belt. It is considered that with appropriate design and landscaping, that the exceptional circumstances of the need to meet the District’s housing requirement justify the release of the site.
In conclusion we support the identification of SW5/H (and the wider SLA parcel SW/10A) as preferred housing sites.
Once SW5/H is ‘Allocated’ our client will be looking to submit a planning application almost
immediately. In this context the Delivery Timescales should be amended to 0-5 years.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SW5/H - Langberries, Clayton Heights
Representation ID: 30115
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Patchett Developments Ltd
Agent: Johnson Mowat
This representation objects to the non-identification of the remaining extent of Site SW5/H (SHLAA sites SW/010A).
The full extent of Site SW5/H is suitable for residential development and capable of contributing to the shortfall in housing land released (see objection to Policy SP8) over and above that identified on Site SW5/H.
The site is deliverable with a willing land promoter on board to ensure it comes forward in the short term.
The SA indicates that the larger site is well located to provide residents with good access to jobs, services, transport and health facilities. There is no explanation for the site not being included, when the SLA does not reject the site.
The Green Belt site specific assessment concludes that site 10/A would have a moderate impact on the green belt - with appropriate design and landscaping, the exceptional circumstances of the need to meet the District’s housing requirement justify the release of the site.