Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

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Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

SH3/H - Wycliffe Road

Representation ID: 425

Received: 24/02/2021

Respondent: Hirst Wood Regeneration Group

Representation Summary:

This is the only play area for children within 1/4 mile. The only green space in a built up area of flats and houses mostly occupied by the underprivileged families. This is a valued open space used by the whole community for please and recreation. Government and local policies is that these spaces should be protected for the mental well being of all ages These benefits of this open space far outweighs a few residencies that can be built here. No where for children to play = vandalism and antisocial behaviour = future slum areas = drug use


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

SH4/H - Glenview Drive, Bankfield Road, Nabwood

Representation ID: 428

Received: 24/02/2021

Respondent: Hirst Wood Regeneration Group

Representation Summary:

This area has no access from the main road and would make Nab Wood into a rat run endangering pedestrians and children. It also soaks up a lot of ground water from the nearby hills and streams. Removal for building will cause flooding lower down in the valley which impacts the already flood risk at Bankfield along the river through Hirst Wood and Coach Road to Baildon Bridge at Otley Road causing severe damage to homes and businesses. It is also natural habitat for fox, deer, badgers and numerous wildlife important to good ecology + raised air pollution


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

SH5/H - Bingley Road, Nabwood

Representation ID: 429

Received: 24/02/2021

Respondent: Hirst Wood Regeneration Group

Agent: Hirst Wood Regeneration Group

Representation Summary:

Building here would cause huge flooding impact to the houses below at Branksome it will also cause the river to rise along the corridor from there to Baildon Bridge with disruption to homes, businesses and traffic at Otley Rd junction. Saltaire would become backed up with 100's more cars each day in each direction polluting the air for miles around. This is one of the few green spaces left around Shipley and has many ancient trees which are protected by their species + wildlife of mammals insects and birds needed to create a healthy environment as opposed to tarmac!


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

SH6/H - Bankfield Farm, Nabwood

Representation ID: 430

Received: 24/02/2021

Respondent: Hirst Wood Regeneration Group

Representation Summary:

The flooding that will be caused at the river and its corridor through to Baildon Bridge at Otley cannot be justified for the sake of 49 dwellings which will have poor air quality because of the nearby dual carriageway and the main roads. This is also a wildlife habitat with many trees been protected by their nature of species. Extra cars from here will impact on the already congested traffic at Saltaire, passing local schools and compromising the health of the children. More cars will rat run through Nab Wood to avoid the congestion caused

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