Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

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Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

BI2/HC - Sty Lane

Representation ID: 25639

Received: 24/03/2021

Respondent: Greenhill Action Group

Number of people: 3

Agent: Maggie Fleming

Representation Summary:

Strong focus is given in the new Local plan on protecting existing open spaces, green infrastructure, and
wildlife habitat networks and improving provision where possible.
The Local plan also emphasises Recognition of the wealth of heritage assets in local settlements and how
they can be protected, enhanced and influence new development.
This is the largest site (16.61
ha) in Bingley and to change it from agricultural fields along the Leeds Liverpool canal to a housing
development of between 420 and 440 dwellings, without an adequate wildlife corridor green area adjacent
to the canal would fly in the face of one of the key tenets of the Local development plan. The Biodiversity
Officer also recommends:
As this is a large site of 420-440 houses it would be much more feasible for members of the local community
and organisations to comment regarding the Design and Access and Landscape plans if there was a 3D
display for members of the community and local organisations to view and also the opportunity to engage
with the developers.

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