Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
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Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 1
Representation ID: 27466
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Kirkgate Centre
Lack of consultation
The current local plan has had a notably short lead in period with very limited consultation.
There are many residents in Shipley and surrounding areas that are not IT literate or have access to digital means. Therefore we would like it recognised that the extent of submissions will have been significantly reduced. Given that the plan was written as we entered lockdown, additional consultation mediums could have been implemented such as questionnaire door drops and door knocking to giveall residents an opportunity to express their views and to make the process seem fair.
We have spoken to many people who feel that they have been excluded from the process due to the current situation and lack of awareness of the consultation. However, we are appreciative that the current circumstances have made things very difficult.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 96
Representation ID: 27467
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Kirkgate Centre
Green Spaces
Green space is important for wellbeing/mental health as Shipley is densely populated where few houses have gardens. Spaces have been a life-saver during the last year.
A number of areas in the Plan identified for housing are green space/Green Belt land - a loss of 1.3ha.
Will have a detrimental effect on families and health, especially when there is a shortage of open space. JSNA recognises that having access to green space has many benefits for the community.
Terminology requires clarification, e.g. describing Dockfield site as “mixed use”.
Why build in flood risk areas where land is saturated and drainage is not adequate. Plan does not include reference to effect on existing residents and what resolutions will be put in place.
Will impact on wildlife/eco-systems, particularly sites SH4/H & SH5/H. Bats fly through SH3/H
Brownfield sites not being fully exploited - would minimise the impact of building on greenfield sites. Potential sites include Shipley Hospital and Valley Road (where there used to be housing).
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 96
Representation ID: 27468
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Kirkgate Centre
Traffic & Air Pollution
Centre has been working with residents who are concerned about the impact of cars in the communities. Aware that may residents are exposed to high levels of air pollution.
Introducing 1,200 additional dwellings will have a huge impact on traffic volume and air pollution, which is extremely high. Will have a long term health impact on residents and especially children who will have long term exposure.
Limited public transport and poor road infrastructure design does not help with the potential increase of levels to traffic especially at times of higher traffic, such as rush hour for work and school drop off and pick up times.
Air pollution is an area that many residents are extremely concerned about and we support the development of the Clean Air Zone.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 96
Representation ID: 27469
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Kirkgate Centre
Community design
Introducing such a large development to the ward brings questions about the community of design of the area, as the creation and management of environments for residents are reduced/taken away.
It is recognised that there are certain things residents need within their communities – access to shops, schools, dentists and doctors. Green spaces/parks are also need to support health/wellbeing.
Plan has no breakdown on the number of amenities that are planning to support a growing population.
Plan looks to take away some of the limited green space that there is connected to number of neighbourhoods.
Plan needs more clarification as to how community design will be improved/adapted to meet increased demands.
Experience of working with the community shows green space, safe roads and access to amenities are central to functioning neighbourhoods. A number of road and housing plans in the Local Plan would negatively impact on this.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SH3/H - Wycliffe Road
Representation ID: 30241
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Kirkgate Centre
Green Spaces
Green space is important for wellbeing/mental health as Shipley is densely populated where few houses have gardens. Spaces have been a life-saver during the last year.
A number of areas in the Plan identified for housing are green space/Green Belt land - a loss of 1.3ha.
Will have a detrimental effect on families and health, especially when there is a shortage of open space. JSNA recognises that having access to green space has many benefits for the community.
Terminology requires clarification, e.g. describing Dockfield site as “mixed use”.
Why build in flood risk areas where land is saturated and drainage is not adequate. Plan does not include reference to effect on existing residents and what resolutions will be put in place.
Will impact on wildlife/eco-systems, particularly sites SH4/H & SH5/H. Bats fly through SH3/H
Brownfield sites not being fully exploited - would minimise the impact of building on greenfield sites. Potential sites include Shipley Hospital and Valley Road (where there used to be housing).
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SH4/H - Glenview Drive, Bankfield Road, Nabwood
Representation ID: 30242
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Kirkgate Centre
Green Spaces
Green space is important for wellbeing/mental health as Shipley is densely populated where few houses have gardens. Spaces have been a life-saver during the last year.
A number of areas in the Plan identified for housing are green space/Green Belt land - a loss of 1.3ha.
Will have a detrimental effect on families and health, especially when there is a shortage of open space. JSNA recognises that having access to green space has many benefits for the community.
Terminology requires clarification, e.g. describing Dockfield site as “mixed use”.
Why build in flood risk areas where land is saturated and drainage is not adequate. Plan does not include reference to effect on existing residents and what resolutions will be put in place.
Will impact on wildlife/eco-systems, particularly sites SH4/H & SH5/H. Bats fly through SH3/H
Brownfield sites not being fully exploited - would minimise the impact of building on greenfield sites. Potential sites include Shipley Hospital and Valley Road (where there used to be housing).
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SH5/H - Bingley Road, Nabwood
Representation ID: 30243
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Kirkgate Centre
Green Spaces
Green space is important for wellbeing/mental health as Shipley is densely populated where few houses have gardens. Spaces have been a life-saver during the last year.
A number of areas in the Plan identified for housing are green space/Green Belt land - a loss of 1.3ha.
Will have a detrimental effect on families and health, especially when there is a shortage of open space. JSNA recognises that having access to green space has many benefits for the community.
Terminology requires clarification, e.g. describing Dockfield site as “mixed use”.
Why build in flood risk areas where land is saturated and drainage is not adequate. Plan does not include reference to effect on existing residents and what resolutions will be put in place.
Will impact on wildlife/eco-systems, particularly sites SH4/H & SH5/H. Bats fly through SH3/H
Brownfield sites not being fully exploited - would minimise the impact of building on greenfield sites. Potential sites include Shipley Hospital and Valley Road (where there used to be housing).