Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
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Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 104
Representation ID: 27977
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: E.M. Farming & Leisure Ltd
Agent: McLoughlin Planning
Specific Comments
Para 5.11.4 – consistent with EMFL’s aspirations of high quality residential development and to improve member and leisure facilities at the Golf Course.
Para 5.11.19 to .23 – concern that plan links Green Belt to natural landscape and character village through the description as it conflates several issues. It is solely a containment tool. Green Belt element should be treated as a separate/discrete item or reference removed.
Para 5.11.23 – does not distinguish between private and public spaces.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 104
Representation ID: 27978
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: E.M. Farming & Leisure Ltd
Agent: McLoughlin Planning
Overall Strategy
Overall strategy for East Morton is satisfactory and there is no issue with the inclusion of land at High Stead to deliver seven houses. However, object to the Settlement Specific proposals as they are considered to fail the tests of soundness.
Some of this derives from the concerns about the proposed housing requirement and spatial distribution (SP8), but also that the settlement specific proposals failing to deliver against the settlement strategy. 7 houses at High Stead is unlikely to deliver market and affordable housing, or upgrades to open space provision.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 104
Representation ID: 27979
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: E.M. Farming & Leisure Ltd
Agent: McLoughlin Planning
Alternative Strategy
EMFL sets out revised Preferred Options proposals which are variations of the initial submission of site EM012 which dates to 2016 and responded to the adopted Core Strategy Policy SP8 requirement for East Morton, which was for a minimum of 100 dwellings.
In planning terms, the Core Strategy SP8 remains in place as the development plan policy for the village. It is recognised that there is no opportunity to provide additional housing at East Morton without incursion into the Green Belt which is tightly drawn around the edge of the settlement.
EMFL consider that the land at EM012 or a variation of it provides the most appropriate option for East Morton, to deliver a mix of market and affordable housing, and potentially to address the open space requirements alongside EMFL’s own ambitions.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 105
Representation ID: 27980
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: E.M. Farming & Leisure Ltd
Agent: McLoughlin Planning
Alternative/Additional Site Option (based on EM/012):
EM012A - Land to rear of St Luke’s Terrace [0.95ha (2.3 acres); 30 dwellings; 35dph]:
• Slopes gently north to south.
• Not part of the Golf Course. Is improved grassland/pasture.
• Well contained to three sides by boundaries - terraced properties/gardens of St Luke’s Terrace (north); woodland (west); Morton Lane (east).
• Southern boundary is open, defined by a low voltage overhead line. Boundary can be defined by a suitable enclosure of boundary hedge/walling.
• Development will deliver a mix of properties (2, 3 & 4 bedrooms). 25% (7) would be affordable.
• Density would be appropriate for the site and enable a sufficient stand off from the Morton Lane frontage.
• Good linkage to village centre. Bus stops within 50m (Morton Lane).
• Green Belt Purposes assessment - 2: Low effect; Purpose 3: Low/Moderate; Purpose 4: Low/Moderate. Well defined/permanent boundaries can be provided.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 105
Representation ID: 27981
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: E.M. Farming & Leisure Ltd
Agent: McLoughlin Planning
Alternative/Additional Site Option (based on EM/012):
EM012B: Paddocks & Works, West of Morton Lane [3.36ha; 75 dwellings]:
• Slopes gently north to south.
• Not part of golf course. Is improved grassland/pasture. Includes track and farm buildings (used for golf course maintenance and land-based businesses).
• Well contained to two sides by boundaries - terraced properties /gardens of St Luke’s Terrace (north), woodland (west); Morton Lane/Sunnycliffe/The Spinney (east).
• Western boundary (wooded area/Golf Course) and southern boundary (wall/partially open) could be strengthened with additional planting and enclosure by boundary hedge/walling to respectively.
• Will deliver a mix of properties (2, 3, 4 beds). 25% (18) would be affordable.
• Density appropriate for the site and enables sufficient stand off from Morton Lane frontage and provision of open space.
• Good linkage to village centre; Bus stops within 50m (Morton Lane) & 100m (via Sunnycliffe)
• Green Belt Purposes assessment - Purpose 2: Low/Moderate effect; Purpose 3: Moderate; Purpose 4: Moderate. Well defined/permanent boundaries can be provided.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 105
Representation ID: 27982
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: E.M. Farming & Leisure Ltd
Agent: McLoughlin Planning
Additional/Alternative Site (based on EM/012):
Site EM012C: Nursery Farm & Land West of Morton Lane [5.15ha; 100 dwellings]
• Slopes gently north to south.
• Comprises part of golf course, improved grassland/pasture, track and farm buildings (used for golf course maintenance and land-based businesses).
• Well contained to two sides by boundaries - terraced properties /gardens of St Luke’s Terrace (north), woodland (west); Morton Lane/Sunnycliffe/The Spinney (east).
• Western boundary (wooded area/Golf Course) and southern boundary (wall/partially open) could be strengthened with additional planting and enclosure by boundary hedge/walling to respectively.
• Will deliver a mix of properties (2, 3, 4 beds). 25% (25) would be affordable.
• Density e appropriate for the site and enables sufficient stand off from Morton Lane frontage and provision of open space.
• Good linkage to village centre; Bus stops within 50m (Morton Lane) & 100m (via Sunnycliffe);
• Green Belt Purposes assessment - Purpose 2: Moderate effect; Purpose 3: Moderate/Major; Purpose 4: Moderate. Well defined/permanent boundaries can be provided.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
2.12 Spatial Vision
Representation ID: 27983
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: E.M. Farming & Leisure Ltd
Agent: McLoughlin Planning
EMFL generally supports the part of the vision that sets out that the growth of the District including the towns and settlements long Airedale, in particular East Morton, have been supported by a significant increase in the delivery of new homes.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
2.13 Strategic Objectives
Representation ID: 27984
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: E.M. Farming & Leisure Ltd
Agent: McLoughlin Planning
Those objectives that recognise the role of the City of Bradford and the towns along Airedale and Wharfedale as dynamic locations of choice for housing and economic growth, and which ensures that the requirements for housing are met in full are also supported.
Further objectives that support opportunities for leisure and recreation are important and are consistent with EMFL’s aspirations to enhance and improve facilities available at the East Morton Golf Course for members and the local community.