Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

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Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

NW8/H - High Ash Farm, Allerton Road, Allerton

Representation ID: 27966

Received: 24/03/2021

Respondent: Bellway Homes Limited

Representation Summary:

The site’s allocation for residential development for circa 70 new homes on the site is supported and is deliverable. Should the site be allocated for residential development, it is envisaged that a planning application for in order of 70 new homes on the site will be submitted following the adoption of the Local Plan.

Other than the delivery of the initial site infrastructure we are confident that there are no other major infrastructure works that need to take place prior to the commencement of delivery of new homes on the site. Accordingly, the development will commence within a year of the submission of the planning application. Due to the site’s size, there would be one development/selling outlet delivering new homes at the site. It is therefore anticipated that the development will deliver a yield of at least 40 homes per annum.

The development proposals can therefore deliver significant benefits to Allerton and the wider District within the first five-year period of the Local Plan, alongside making a significant contribution to the Council’s ongoing 5-year housing land supply requirements.
The anticipated submission of a pre-application enquiry prior to the examination of the Local Plan will help to ensure that the deliverability timescales outlined above are met.

It is considered that the land at High Ash Farm will create a sustainable, high quality and accessible development which will provide significant social and economic benefits to Allerton and the wider District area.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

BA5/H - Meadowside Road/West of Baildon Cof E Primary School

Representation ID: 27967

Received: 24/03/2021

Respondent: Bellway Homes Limited

Representation Summary:

At the present time, Bellway has not secured this site contractually but has expressed a firm interest in developing the site to the landowners. As such, the draft allocated land would provide Bellway with an excellent opportunity to provide much needed market and affordable homes in this location, alongside a number of community benefits to meet the needs and aspirations of the local area. The development site is situated in a suitable and highly sustainable location in respect of existing settlement form. There are no known technical or environmental (built and natural) constraints that would preclude the development of the site.

Site allocation is supported.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

KY15/H - Carr Bank, Riddlesden

Representation ID: 28429

Received: 24/03/2021

Respondent: Bellway Homes Limited

Agent: PB Planning

Representation Summary:

The development proposals are situated in a suitable and highly sustainable location in respect of existing settlement form and there are no technical or environmental (built and natural) constraints that would preclude the development of the site.

The enclosed nature of the site means that the openness of the Green Belt would remain, and a new permanent Green Belt boundary would be readily provided through an enhancement to the site’s existing northern boundary. The loss of the site from Green Belt would therefore not cause overall harm to the purposes of the Green Belt. With the development of the site also providing the opportunity to deliver landscape, recreation, and biodiversity benefits

While the total site area extends to 6.84ha our proposals suggest that 3.18ha of the site provides further areas of public open space and sustainable urban drainage features.

The proposed development of the site could achieve a high standard of design that protects and enhances the local area’s setting and character

Suitable access arrangements for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists can be provided from Saxilby Road and Elderberry Close

The site allocation details set out within the Preferred Options Local Plan identify that a “strip of land has been left to allow potential access from Thorneycroft Road, whilst there is a further potential access point from Saxilby Road”.

The site is accessible by land under the control of Bellway Homes where it adjoins the adopted highway. We would therefore like to discuss the details behind this text with the Council further prior to the publication of future versions of the Local Plan in order to ensure that any requirements attached to the allocation are fully justified and deliverable.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

KY15/H - Carr Bank, Riddlesden

Representation ID: 28430

Received: 24/03/2021

Respondent: Bellway Homes Limited

Agent: PB Planning

Representation Summary:

Green Belt Assessment - View of Bellway Homes

We provide below a summary of our assessment of the site against the five Green Belt purposes identified in Paragraph 134 of the National Planning Policy Framework:

The development of the site would not result in unrestricted urban sprawl

The development of the site would not result in the merging of adjacent settlements.

The site does not assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment.

The proposed development of the site will have no detrimental effect on the setting and special character of historic features.

The fifth purpose of Green Belt (to assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land) is a general purpose which will not be adversely affected by the site rather than any other being removed from the Green Belt.

The site allocation details set out within the Preferred Options Local Plan identify one of the development considerations being the “provision of compensatory improvements to the surrounding Green Belt”. We would like to discuss the details behind this text with the Council further prior to the publication of future versions of the Local Plan in order to ensure that any requirements attached to the allocation are site-specific; explicitly worded; deliverable; and in accordance with the guidance presented in Paragraph: 002 Reference ID: 64-002-20190722 of Planning Practice Guidance.
To this regard, Bellway believe that specific reference could be made to the landscape, recreational and biodiversity opportunities that the Indicative Masterplan for the site seeks to deliver.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

Consultation Question 4

Representation ID: 28431

Received: 24/03/2021

Respondent: Bellway Homes Limited

Agent: PB Planning

Representation Summary:

For the avoidance of any doubt, our client fully supports the identification of Riddlesden within the identified urban area of Keighley.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

Consultation Question 9

Representation ID: 28432

Received: 24/03/2021

Respondent: Bellway Homes Limited

Agent: PB Planning

Representation Summary:

Housing Need and Requirement:

The Preferred Options Local Plan identifies that the Council will seek to deliver 1,704 homes per annum, which reflects the Standard Method Calculation without the Cities & Urban Centres Uplift required by Step 4 of the PPG’s prescribed methodology.

The actual minimum housing need is therefore 2,300 homes per annum not 1,704.

Whilst the use of the Standard Method is not mandatory, the PPG is clear that “there is an expectation that the standard method will be used, and that any other method will be used only in exceptional circumstances” (Paragraph: 003 Reference ID: 2a-003-20190220).

The Council’s Housing Need Addendum (February 2021) is inconsistent and incorrect in the way it addresses what the minimum level of housing need is. In particular, the Cities and Centres uplift the uplift is not a variable to be considered when determining if there is evidence to increase the minimum housing need, it is one of the four initial key steps which establishes that Bradford’s minimum housing need is 2,300 homes per annum.

As insufficient evidence has been provided to demonstrate that exceptional circumstances exist for the removal of the Cities & Urban Centres Uplift from the Standard Method calculation, the Local Plan should seek to deliver 2,300 homes per annum over the plan period 2020-2038. Which equates to 41,400 homes.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

Consultation Question 9

Representation ID: 28433

Received: 24/03/2021

Respondent: Bellway Homes Limited

Agent: PB Planning

Representation Summary:

Housing Distribution - Keighley

As insufficient evidence has been provided to demonstrate that exceptional circumstances exist for the removal of the Cities & Urban Centres Uplift from the Standard Method calculation, the Local Plan should seek to deliver 2,300 homes per annum over the plan period 2020-2038. Which equates to 41,400 homes.

If the level of housing distribution to Keighley was retained at 7% the uplift would require the delivery of 2,898 homes within the plan period, an increase of 698 homes. However, retaining the adopted Core Strategy’s level of distribution (11%) would require the delivery of 4,554 homes over the plan period. Which is a level of housing growth which was previously considered sustainable and deliverable following a thorough examination in public process.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

Consultation Question 6

Representation ID: 29717

Received: 24/03/2021

Respondent: Bellway Homes Limited

Agent: Barton Wilmore

Representation Summary:

Our Client supports the Council’s conclusions that exceptional circumstances exist to release land from the Green Belt in order to meet their housing requirements, as outlined in the supporting text for the proposals. In addition, they fully support the Council’s proposals to allocate site SW33/H for residential development of up to 175 dwellings.

The site sits within adjacent to the settlement of Clayton but due to the form of the village, which extends northwards at its eastern and western extent, the site would in effect fall within the built form of the village, which limits the extent of encroachment and minimise sprawl. Also, it would not lead to the coalescence of settlements. In summary, it would represent a sound and logical rounding-off of the settlement and its release from the Green Belt would be acceptable as it no longer serves the five Green Belt purposes.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

Consultation Question 87

Representation ID: 29718

Received: 24/03/2021

Respondent: Bellway Homes Limited

Agent: Barton Wilmore

Representation Summary:

Our Client supports the Council’s Local Area Strategy and Plan for Clayton and Clayton Heights, which identifies it as a key location for housing growth, with circa 1,045 new homes to be allocated and delivered alongside existing planning permissions. Similarly, our Client welcomes the aspiration for new housing developments in Green Belt delivering strong natural landscaping and public open spaces, as these contribute to place making.

We would reiterate our Clients support for the allocation of site SW33/H – land off Buckingham Crescent, Clayton.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

SW33/H - Land off Buckingham Crescent, Clayton

Representation ID: 29719

Received: 24/03/2021

Respondent: Bellway Homes Limited

Agent: Barton Wilmore

Representation Summary:

Bellway Homes Limited, who are one of the largest housebuilders in the country, has a firm interest in the site and is preparing to develop it. There is a willing landowner who wishes to see the site developed and a national housebuilder who have the means to ensure it comes forward in the plan period. Bellway Homes Limited have undertaken a thorough analysis of the market in the local area and are confident that there is sufficient interest in the area to justify the development of the site.

As such, the site is both available and achievable as per the tests of the NPPF.

As noted in the proforma, there are several potential access options and Bellway Homes Limited will be commissioning a highways consultant to confirm the most appropriate location for access and it is considered that this work can be provided to the Council prior to the Publication version of the Local Plan.

Bellway Homes Limited are aware of matters such as proximity to listed buildings, conservation areas and the open landscape, however, these matters can be addressed through sensitive design of any future residential development.

The development of the site would not lead to urban sprawl or the coalescence of settlements and would lead to minimal encroachment into the countryside. It is considered to represent a logical extension to Clayton and would round off the settlement, not breaching the northern most extent of built development in the settlement as a whole. As such, the land is no longer considered to meet the five Green Belt purposes and it should be released.

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