Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
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Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 75
Representation ID: 29004
Received: 25/05/2021
Respondent: Bradford District Ward Councillor (Liberal Democrats)
Number of people: 2
The Local Plan offers major opportunity to improve everyone’s health. About 75% of what drives healthy lives is determined by the conditions into which people are born, live and work. We have tried in our contribution to the development Plan consultation to lever change to protect people, the place and the planet and reduce the impact of previous harms.
It was disappointing that the Council launched such an important consultation at a time when people could not get together to discuss the issues. If the Covid pandemic has taught us anything it is that clean air, clean water and open spaces are our most valuable assets.
The plan needs to do no harm to people, places or the planet. We have concentrated our comments of how the plan impacts on our ward and how it can be focused to increase biodiversity and make more space for nature.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 75
Representation ID: 29005
Received: 25/05/2021
Respondent: Bradford District Ward Councillor (Liberal Democrats)
Number of people: 2
Support the designation of both Greengates and Five Lane Ends as District Centres and identification of the eight local centres. Would add to the approach taken to Idle as a local centre a small scale regeneration scheme to include the upgrading of the area adjacent to the central car park. A scheme should include additional space for entertainment, improvements to the car park and additional gardens.
A regeneration scheme for the Idle village should also include public realm improvements, support to the heritage buildings, a housing regeneration programme for heritage properties and restoration of cobbled surfaces of Walter Street, Louisa Street, Railway Road and Doctor Lane. The deficit in daytime use should be addressed by the implementation of Council Policy regarding the selling of food and support for former banking properties to become a mix of housing and ground floor office/retail as a strategy to increase daytime footfall.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 75
Representation ID: 29006
Received: 25/05/2021
Respondent: Bradford District Ward Councillor (Liberal Democrats)
Number of people: 2
Support for the extension of car parking at Apperley Bridge station, however the current visual impact is detrimental to the visual amenity of residents with a view across the Aire Valley. Measures to decrease the visual impact such as additional mature planting and low impact lighting should be included in any further scheme. The car park is not covered by CCTV which should be addressed. In conjunction with plans to redevelop Esholt as Employment Land access to the station should be created from the Avenue side.
Would like to see more emphasis on segregated cycle paths, the creation of additional safe walking routes to/ from Apperley Bridge station and improvements to the canal side for pedestrians.
Would like to see the creation of Green Bus shelters and living walls to remove carbon from the highway network with priority given to sites outside schools on major traffic routes.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 75
Representation ID: 29007
Received: 25/05/2021
Respondent: Bradford District Ward Councillor (Liberal Democrats)
Number of people: 2
Planning for Homes
Ward has seen significant population growth, removal of greenbelt and urban green space for housing over last 20 years. It has a significant role to play in the District’s future health which does not require the submission of further land to meet its housing need.
Would support use of any former industrial land for an additional extra care facility should such land become available. If not, no further land should be released for housing.
Sites NE4/H, NE8/H, NE10/H & NE11/H should be removed as allocations.
Support discounting of Thackley SUE (Ref: SS/007). It is adjacent to protected woodland and should be set aside as green space up to the edge of the existing settlement and proactively identified as land for re-wilding. Development would lead to adverse impacts on flood risk by increasing the flow of water towards the River Aire by replacing green fields/soil with hard standing.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 75
Representation ID: 29008
Received: 25/05/2021
Respondent: Bradford District Ward Councillor (Liberal Democrats)
Number of people: 2
Planning for Green Belt, Natural Landscape & Historic Character
Land to the north lies within Green Belt and Esholt Landscape Character Area. It is characterised by sloping woodland and pasture land. Support protection of the wooded inclines and seek to elevate the status/protection of ancient woodlands and historic man-made features such as dry-stone walls, ancient tracks (such as the one leading down to Buck Mill Bridge) and footpaths. No development should take place in these wooded areas unless it brings back into use former farm buildings or Buck Mill cottage. Would like a policy change to ensure protection of dry stone walls and ancient tracks.
Ward has two Quaker graveyards. One is in private ownership in Brown Woods. One is visible to the public and has recently undergone restoration as a Grade 2 listed structure. Must be protected in its landscaping particularly with the protection of surrounding dry-stone walls and open aspect.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 75
Representation ID: 29013
Received: 25/05/2021
Respondent: Bradford District Ward Councillor (Liberal Democrats)
Number of people: 2
Green Infrastructure, Ecology, Open Space & Flood Risk
Remaining pasture and floodplain pastures should not be developed. Would like to see remaining pasture-land and other important open spaces on higher land set aside for the development of local nature reserves/wildlife sites and identified as green spaces for re-wilding and implementation of sustainable draining systems.
Imperative that the Council seeks to increase/develop a number of these areas through the plan period. It is vital to improve natural infrastructure and biodiversity and key to slowing the flow of water to the River Aire and preventing flooding. Majority of sites identified within this plan are within Council ownership so this is achievable.
Have identified such sites in the ward - Idle Moor, sloping green spaces on incline down to the River Aire at Brackendale, 4 previously identified housing sites (NE4/H, NE8/H, NE10/H and NE11/H) & land identified in SUE Ref: SS/007.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 75
Representation ID: 29014
Received: 25/05/2021
Respondent: Bradford District Ward Councillor (Liberal Democrats)
Number of people: 2
Green Infrastructure, Ecology, Open Space & Flood Risk
Amend Fig. 5 to show Green Infrastructure (GI) Corridor boundary as being contiguous with edge of the existing settlements across the ward.
GI Corridor should also identify where significant links will be developed to create a county park linking to Leeds West Country Park, Rombalds Moor & Yorkshire Dales. Would see the creation of a large area not only capable of making a significant contribution to public health but also through its significant rail links bring the park within the reach of more people who could leave their cars at home.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
NE22/E - Walkhill Farm, Apperley Lane
Representation ID: 29021
Received: 25/05/2021
Respondent: Bradford District Ward Councillor (Liberal Democrats)
Number of people: 2
Site presents a major opportunity to deal with the threat from climate change and pollution of seas/waterways.
It is the largest/most important site in the Plan. It goes some way to outlining what future generations can expect but is not detailed enough or linked through to existing green spaces/waterways to give residents confidence in the benefit of the outcomes.
Development framework reads more like an advertising specification than how it will make a real contribution to the planet’s health, reducing global warming and technical innovation required to ensure nothing from sewerage waste enters the river or atmosphere. Challenging to be more specific however Council must do more to ensure this is what it will achieve.
Schedule of works shows building starting this year without detailed masterplan being available. This must address visual aspect of development. Extensive tree canopy providing visual amenity must be protected.
There is some housing proposed with significant environmental benefits. Providing developers develop the scheme to the standards stated then we are supportive.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
NE23/E - Apperley Bridge / Esholt (Former Filter Beds - Water Treatment Works) Strategic Employment Area
Representation ID: 29022
Received: 25/05/2021
Respondent: Bradford District Ward Councillor (Liberal Democrats)
Number of people: 2
Site presents a major opportunity to deal with the threat from climate change and pollution of seas/waterways.
It is the largest/most important site in the Plan. It goes some way to outlining what future generations can expect but is not detailed enough or linked through to existing green spaces/waterways to give residents confidence in the benefit of the outcomes.
Development framework reads more like an advertising specification than how it will make a real contribution to the planet’s health, reducing global warming and technical innovation required to ensure nothing from sewerage waste enters the river or atmosphere. Challenging to be more specific however Council must do more to ensure this is what it will achieve.
Schedule of works shows building starting this year without detailed masterplan being available. This must address visual aspect of development. Extensive tree canopy providing visual amenity must be protected.
There is some housing proposed with significant environmental benefits. Providing developers develop the scheme to the standards stated then we are supportive.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
NE22/E - Walkhill Farm, Apperley Lane
Representation ID: 29024
Received: 25/05/2021
Respondent: Bradford District Ward Councillor (Liberal Democrats)
Number of people: 2
This site sits at the entrance to the Strategic Employment Site at Esholt. It can only be brought forward for development if it forms part of the overall master-plan, has an enhanced plan for environmental improvements and enhances the setting of the listed property. This has the potential to be a significant gateway site.