Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
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Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SE19/H - Westgate Hill Street Tong
Representation ID: 28140
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Hallam Land Management
Agent: Johnson Mowat
HLM supports the inclusion of Sites SE19/H, SE46/H, SE47/H, SE48/H and SE37/E
The sites are deliverable, with a willing land promoter on board to ensure collectively the sites come forward as a comprehensive development.
Appendix 1 provides an Opportunities and Constraints Plan, which has informed the preparation of an illustrative Masterplan (Appendix 2). This together with the Transport and Access Appraisal at Appendix 4 illustrates how the sites can deliver a comprehensive urban extension, which has been designed to take account of the existing topography, incorporates appropriate access points, including a roundabout within the site to allow access to the proposed employment allocation to the east (SE37/E).
Whilst the Holme Wood South Urban Extension is not reliant on the delivery of the South East Bradford Access Road, the Urban Extension will contribute to the facilitation of the potential new strategic highway as a long-term aspiration.
HLM are confident that the development considerations contained in the individual Site Details in the Draft Local Plan are achievable. The initial Masterplan work provides confidence that Holme Wood South is capable of delivering a well-designed urban extension.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SE46/H - Land west of Tong Lane and east of Holme Wood
Representation ID: 28151
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Hallam Land Management
Agent: Johnson Mowat
HLM supports the inclusion of Sites SE19/H, SE46/H, SE47/H, SE48/H and SE37/E
The sites are deliverable, with a willing land promoter on board to ensure collectively the sites come forward as a comprehensive development.
Appendix 1 provides an Opportunities and Constraints Plan, which has informed the preparation of an illustrative Masterplan (Appendix 2). This together with the Transport and Access Appraisal at Appendix 4 illustrates how the sites can deliver a comprehensive urban extension, which has been designed to take account of the existing topography, incorporates appropriate access points, including a roundabout within the site to allow access to the proposed employment allocation to the east (SE37/E).
Whilst the Holme Wood South Urban Extension is not reliant on the delivery of the South East Bradford Access Road, the Urban Extension will contribute to the facilitation of the potential new strategic highway as a long-term aspiration.
HLM are confident that the development considerations contained in the individual Site Details in the Draft Local Plan are achievable. The initial Masterplan work provides confidence that Holme Wood South is capable of delivering a well-designed urban extension.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SE48/H - Westgate Hill Street, Tong
Representation ID: 28161
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Hallam Land Management
Agent: Johnson Mowat
HLM supports the inclusion of Sites SE19/H, SE46/H, SE47/H, SE48/H and SE37/E
The sites are deliverable, with a willing land promoter on board to ensure collectively the sites come forward as a comprehensive development.
Appendix 1 provides an Opportunities and Constraints Plan, which has informed the preparation of an illustrative Masterplan (Appendix 2). This together with the Transport and Access Appraisal at Appendix 4 illustrates how the sites can deliver a comprehensive urban extension, which has been designed to take account of the existing topography, incorporates appropriate access points, including a roundabout within the site to allow access to the proposed employment allocation to the east (SE37/E).
Whilst the Holme Wood South Urban Extension is not reliant on the delivery of the South East Bradford Access Road, the Urban Extension will contribute to the facilitation of the potential new strategic highway as a long-term aspiration.
HLM are confident that the development considerations contained in the individual Site Details in the Draft Local Plan are achievable. The initial Masterplan work provides confidence that Holme Wood South is capable of delivering a well-designed urban extension.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SE48/H - Westgate Hill Street, Tong
Representation ID: 28162
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Hallam Land Management
Agent: Johnson Mowat
It should be noted that the HLM Masterplan proposes an alternative boundary to SE37/E (which in turn effects the SE47/H and SE48/H boundaries), to align the employment site with the proposed access road off the existing roundabout off Westgate Hill Street A650 / B6135 / Cross Lane. This is considered a more logical alternative and sustainable approach.
This marginally increases the size of SE37/E (and reduces SE47/H and SE48/H).
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 84
Representation ID: 28174
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Hallam Land Management
Agent: Johnson Mowat
Comment in relation to the sites within the Holmewood (South) SUE:
The findings of the Green Belt assessment of the individual land parcels conclude that the sites have a major potential impact on the Green Belt. It is agreed that there are opportunities to soften the built edge through landscaping / screening and integration of green infrastructure within the scheme design and also the possibility of improving greenbelt access and linkages.
The proposed release of the land from the Green Belt takes into consideration the narrowing of the gap between the eastern edge of the Bradford District and the western edge of the Leeds District and the amount of development proposed will have no adverse impact on this function of the Green Belt. It will not lead to the merging of settlements.
There is a clear opportunity to create a strong, defensible Green Belt boundary to the eastern edge of Bradford, with the Masterplan illustrating this potential. Furthermore, the proposed South East Bradford Access Road also has the potential of forming a strong, defensible Green Belt boundary to the east of Holme Wood South.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 9
Representation ID: 28234
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Hallam Land Management
Agent: Johnson Mowat
Housing Distribution - Bradford NW
The Preferred Option Draft Local Plan proposes 7,000 dwellings in the City Centre, a significant uplift from 3,500 in the Core Strategy, and 4,000 in the Draft Core Strategy Partial Review. The Council have therefore applied an urban focus uplift in terms of the distribution of development but without applying an uplift to the overall requirement.
This results in a whole shift away from the distribution identified in the adopted Core Strategy, with disproportionate reductions to the majority of sustainable settlements and sub areas in the District, including Bradford North West.
The reduction For Bradford NW from 4,500 dwellings (Adopted Core Strategy) to 2,900 dwellings in Policy SP8 falls significantly short of the baseline population proportionate distribution of 4,043 and is not supported
The overall requirement for the both Bradford North West and the District as a whole should be significantly higher. Applying the 35% uplift in the Bradford North West sub area using the same proportional distribution as the adopted Core Strategy results in the requirement for an additional 1,009 dwellings to be distributed to Bradford North West.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
NW9/H - Wilsden Road/West Avenue, Sandy Lane
Representation ID: 28236
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Hallam Land Management
Agent: Johnson Mowat
HLM support the inclusion of site NW9/H as a preferred allocation in the Draft Local Plan.
It is a much needed site in the Bradford NW sub area, which forms part of the Regional City of Bradford, a prime focus for development in the Local Plan.
The site is a deliverable and unconstrainted and capable of delivering housing in the short term to contribute towards the identified housing requirement.
The site is located in a sustainable location, close to existing services and facilities, as established in the sustainability appraisal scoring.
There are no known viability issues and both sites could deliver the full S106 requirements and other planning obligations in the Draft Local Plan.
There are no environmental constraints associated with the site that cannot be dealt with via appropriate design.
The development of NW9/H would form a logical small extension to the urban edge.
It is considered that the housing requirement in the District, coupled with the sustainable location of this site adjacent to the Bradford North West sub area provides the exceptional circumstances to justify the release of SW9/H from the Green Belt, which represents a small and logical extension to the NW urban area.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 6
Representation ID: 28237
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Hallam Land Management
Agent: Johnson Mowat
Given the acute and intense need for housing, exceptional circumstances exist in order to deliver the housing requirement, including Green Belt releases.
NW9/H is a logical site for Green Belt release.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
NW9/H - Wilsden Road/West Avenue, Sandy Lane
Representation ID: 28238
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Hallam Land Management
Agent: Johnson Mowat
Green Belt Assessment:
The Green Belt site specific assessment concludes that Site NW/023 is located in a ‘moderate’ performing green belt parcel and overall the site has a ‘moderate’ potential impact on the Green Belt. It is considered that with appropriate design and landscaping, a new inner Green Belt boundary could be formed creating a strengthened, more durable boundary than the existing weak boundary.
We agree with the comments referencing the existing topography and size of the site meaning that development would not be particularly prominent.
We agree that opportunities exist to contribute to the improvement of existing assets, including the nearby public right of way which runs between Wilsden Road towards the Prune Park Inn, and Chellow Dean, a designated local wildlife site to the east.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 6
Representation ID: 28300
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Hallam Land Management
Agent: Johnson Mowat
It is considered that with appropriate design and landscaping, that the exceptional circumstances of the need to meet the District’s housing requirement justify the release of site NW10/H and the wider parcel NW/024.