Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
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Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
NW10/H - Allerton Road, Prune Park Lane
Representation ID: 28304
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Hallam Land Management
Agent: Johnson Mowat
This response supports the inclusion of Site NW10/H but objects to the non-identification of the remaining extent of Site NW/024.
Both site NW10/H and the wider extent of Site NW/024 are deliverable, unconstrained housing sites capable of delivering housing to meet the identified housing requirement.
There are no known viability issues and both sites could deliver the full S106 requirements and other planning obligations in the Draft Local Plan.
There are no environmental constraints associated with the site that cannot be dealt with via appropriate design. The development of both NW10/H and the wider NW/024 site would form a logical extension to the urban edge.
Both NW10/H and the full extent of NW/024 constitute a logical extension to the well-served and well-located western edge of Bradford NW.
Two Masterplans, which are contained at Appendix 2, that illustrate how Site NW10/H could be delivered in isolation, or as part of the wider NW/024 site.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 93
Representation ID: 28305
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Hallam Land Management
Agent: Johnson Mowat
This response objects to the non-identification of the remaining extent of Site NW/024 (other than that which is allocated i.e. NW10/H - NW10/H is supported)
The wider Masterplan indicates a potential to deliver 770 dwellings at a density of 35 dph.
The site is on the edge of the Bradford NW sub area which forms part of the Regional City. The 35% uplift to the housing requirement should apply to this suburban urban edge.
The full extent of Site NW/024 is a suitable site, that can contribute to this identified shortfall over and above that identified on Site NW10/H.
The full extent of Site NW/024 is, as already referred to in the Introduction, is not rejected by the Council in the Strategic Land Assessment (‘SLA’). The document is silent.
Two Masterplans, which are contained at Appendix 2, that illustrate how the site could be delivered.
The full extent of site NW/024 is in a sustainable location and is available now, suitable (subject to allocation) and deliverable.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 93
Representation ID: 28306
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: Hallam Land Management
Agent: Johnson Mowat
Site NW/024 - Green Belt Assessment
The Green Belt site specific assessment concludes that NW/024 is located in a ‘moderate’ performing green belt parcel and the site has a ‘major’ potential impact on the Green Belt.
We disagree with the overall conclusion that the site has a ‘major’ potential impact on the Green Belt, and consider this should be reduced to a ‘moderate’ impact.
There is potential to create a strong, durable and defensible Green Belt boundary to the west via appropriate design and boundary planting. This will create a new edge to the North West sub area boundary.
The potential to create a defensible boundary will reduce the potential for further sprawl in a westerly direction towards Wilsden. The design potential does not appear to be taken into consideration in the Green Belt assessment, when concluding a ‘major’ impact against the ‘potential for sprawl criteria.
The Broadway Malyan, Bradford Growth Assessment, dated 2013 concluded that there is still potential for some development in the area while maintaining the overarching role of the Green Belt. Furthermore the Growth Assessment acknowledged that Green Belt growth locations in the area could lie in locations to the west (to the north west and north of Allerton and surrounding Heaton and Sandy Lane). This includes SLA site NW/024.
We agree with assessment which refer to the opportunities for compensatory improvement which references contributions to the public rights of way network and several footpaths traversing the site.