Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
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Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 1
Representation ID: 4740
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: SHMS
From the explanation seems reasonable, although 8 years addition to the Core Strategy. Will I consider help businesses to forecast. However the council needs to ensure agents and developers do not cherry pick the most lucrative and easy sites in green belt, greenfield before pdl/brownfield.
Identifing sites that should be developed late in the plan period leaves the council open to challenge due to the back stop of lack of a five year supply. PDL in Bfd and Keighley should be prioritised for development first to support the retail offerings.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SI1/H - North Dene Road
Representation ID: 4742
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: SHMS
Site is close to Silsden centre and offers opportunities to enhance the local environment if carefully planned.
Ancient hedgerows and trees should be preserved by using a sympathetic design layout to incorporate as a key feature.
Number of dwellings has potential to increase, if incorporated with re-development of PART of the pdl adjacent "Incommunities" site (garages)
Consider including 5% plus for self build on council owned land as per Gov guidelines (e.g. 5 -10 dwellings)
Development needs to condition improvements to highway, namely junction of Spencer Ave & Hillcrest Ave. Public footpaths.
Land drainage- loading on combined sewers, Silsden Beck , nearby older housing stock needs consideration.
Habitats- Bird survey MUST be provided. HRA to take account of Badgers, Toad, Deer , Bats which have been seen in the near adjacent areas.
Opportunity for green space and/or pocket park within development, currently children have to cross A6034 to access park.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SI6/H - Aire View Infants, Elliot Street
Representation ID: 4743
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: SHMS
Support;- providing it includes conversion of the existing building (this school building is significant to the conservation area and the History of Silsden, and should be preserved) convert to sheltered housing (14 apartments) plus
6 new build east of site(nursery playground) for persons of impaired mobility with access from Elliott St
Building fronting Aire View could be re purposed into a project/social room.
Provision of lay by and bus shelter on Elliott St would remove existing problems with Stop ID45029574
Consider rain water harvesting schemes,(https://www.rainwaterharvesting.co.uk/content/rainactiv-18) community heating system, solar pv
Site is reasonably flat allowing easy walking to local shops and bus service
Car parking on Western playground
Access possible from both Aireview and Elliott St with separate pedestrian and cycle access arrangements
Additional planting garden provision fronting Elliott St
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SI8/H - Dradishaw Road, Silsden
Representation ID: 4744
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: SHMS
Site access to Dradishaw Road.
Site has trees with TPOs cannot envisage how site can be developed without damaging trees
Site acts as a green space (pocket park) used by local children.
Development proposed will be incongrous and over bearing to existing properties
Bus service now stops at Ilkley and does not continue to LeedsBfd Airport
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SI3/H - Woodside Road
Representation ID: 4832
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: SHMS
Support providing the necessary common infrastructure needed for Silsden sites is provided in advance of development namely combined sewer up grading, electricity supply upgrading, highway improvements, improvement of footpath routes and bridge to access rail network.
Public transport and connectivity - 4 bus stops in close vicinity, possibility to provide separate vehicle and pedestrian/cycle routes to Woodside Road. Easy access to canal towpath for pedestrians and cyclists via existing footpath and canal bridge.
Topography and ecology - site contains established hedgerows and trees which should be retained, strong possibility of integration into site layout. Additional planting to support wildlife centered around the canal for example buffer of hedgerows and enhancing existing tree cover.
Consultation with canal and river trust regarding structural integration of canal banking, understand steel re-inforcement has been installed along the length of canal fronting the site.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SI4/H - Sykes Lane
Representation ID: 4862
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: SHMS
Site encompasses the protected Sykes Lane, protection of ancient hedgerows will be lost if integrated into site. Site should be split into 2 sections and ancient hedgerows protected along Sykes Lane which provide a natural barrier supporting habitats. Access across Sykes Lane would further erode the value of this key feature in the history of Silsden.
The adjacent completed development "The Banks" design layout included an access to SI4/H.
If access is from SI/020, additional improvements will be required to the junction with Keighley Road, possible including signalling.
Flood risk from canal, canal suffers leakage at several points. Allotments fulfill a local need, a large proportion of Silsden is terraced housing with little or no gardens. The infrastructure needed for Silsden sites needs to be provided in advance of development namely combined sewer up grading, electricity supply upgrading, highway improvements, improvement of footpath routes and bridge to access rail network.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SI2/H - Bolton Road Brown Bank Lane
Representation ID: 4935
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: SHMS
Drainage issues - Brown Bank Lane, site is next to old Silsden Reservoir, areas of site are bog (issues map) Land drainage will be a problem that could severely affect properties South of the site, Silsden Park (past experience) Electricity sub station.
HRA must take account of Badgers, Toad, Deer, Bats which have been seen in the area.
Site access - existing field access is on junction "Tannery Corner" , where frequent road accidents occur.
Road safety, topography, density - any design must include a "buffer zone" to the A6034 incorporating for example defensive hedgerows not trees, ( hence unlikely to achieve the density targets). Reasoning; Vehicles frequently collide with the lamp standards on Bolton Road.
Evidence; lamp standards provided over last 25 years. A recent serious accident resulting in life changing injuries occurred on Bolton Road, however many accidents and near misses have occurred which are not recorded.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
SI5/HC - Keighley Road
Representation ID: 4958
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: SHMS
Support providing the necessary common infrastructure needed for Silsden sites is provided in advance or parallel of development namely combined sewer up grading, electricity supply upgrading, highway improvements, improvement of footpath routes and bridge to access rail network.
Note outline application had £120, 000 contribution to bridge over A629.
Disappointing access arrangements do not fully address possibility of SI4/H coming forward or inclusion of a crossing point to access the Aldi store, interconnectivity with Belton Road and access to cycle routes to discourage use of private motor car.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 112
Representation ID: 5065
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: SHMS
Seriously question role of Silsden as growth centre. CS main amendments, questioned the lack of jobs growth. This latest plan includes no additional employment sites and 2 sites have disappeared since 2015.
Flooding issues continue to provide a threat, due to constraints on the culvert under Belton Road and water storage capacity.
Delivering new enhanced infrastructure is an essential already identified as a need combined sewers, electricity supply, highways, station access, broadband (note to date over 600 homes have been built from when infrastructure issues first identified, only education provision has been addressed). Electric capacity - No consideration given to alternative to fossil fuels e.g., hydrogen
Brown field sites and those closer to rail need developing first, (note 2 pdl sites at Bradley Rd 5, Bolton Rd 20 are not included - information is on planning portal)
Minimising travel distances must be top priority to access employment elsewhere..
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 113
Representation ID: 5157
Received: 24/03/2021
Respondent: SHMS
The necessary common infrastructure needed for Silsden sites should be provided in advance or in parallel of development NOT after, namely combined sewer up grading, electricity supply upgrading, highway improvements, improvement of footpath routes and bridge to access rail network. All sites identified need supporting infrastructure, sites to the north also have a Yorkshire water supply pressure issue.
Additional pdl sites of 36 dwellings at Bradley Rd, Greengate, Cringles, Bolton Rd and many developments less than 5 units (infill sites) which contribute to the infrastructure load are not shown in the site allocations.
16/01844/OUT Bradley Rd 5 dwellings
18/05099/FUL Greengate 6 dwellings
16/02685/FUL & 16/02733/FUL Cringles Farm 5 dwellings
20/05292/MAF Tannery/Rotation Works 20 dwellings
plus some other pdl sites might be put forward in the future dependant on positive or negative economic recovery post Covid.
Green spaces, flood storage, need providing within sites or adjacent to the particular developments.