Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
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Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
TH4/H - Hill Top Road
Representation ID: 29450
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
The site is located opposite a Grade II listed terrace along Hill Top Road, and is adjacent to the Grade II listed Thompson Square a late C18 farmhouse, altered with cottage additions. Several other Grade II Listed Buildings are in the vicinity of the site. The development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of these designated heritage assets.
Before allocating this site for development:
(1) An assessment needs to be undertaken of the contribution which this site makes to those elements which contribute towards the significance of the Listed Buildings in its vicinity, and what impact the loss of this undeveloped site and its subsequent development might have upon their significance.
(2) If it is considered that the development of this site would harm elements which contribute to the significance of the Listed Buildings, then the measures by which that harm might be removed or reduced need to be effectively tied into the Plan.
(3) If, at the end of the process, it is concluded that the development would still be likely to harm elements which contribute to the significance of these Listed Buildings, then this site should not be allocated unless there are clear public benefits that outweigh the harm (as is
required by NPPF, Paragraph 195 or 196).
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
TH5/H - Hill Top Road
Representation ID: 29451
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
The site is located adjacent to several Grade II Listed Buildings to the west of the site along Hill Top Road. The development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of these designated heritage assets.
See attachment for full representation
Before allocating this site for development:
(1) An assessment needs to be undertaken of the contribution which this site makes to those elements which contribute towards the significance of the Listed Buildings in its vicinity, and what impact the loss of this undeveloped site and its subsequent development might have upon their significance.
(2) If it is considered that the development of this site would harm elements which contribute to the significance of the Listed Buildings, then the measures by which that harm might be removed or reduced need to be effectively tied into the Plan.
(3) If, at the end of the process, it is concluded that the development would still be likely to harm elements which contribute to the significance of these Listed Buildings, then this site should not be allocated unless there are clear public benefits that outweigh the harm (as is
required by NPPF, Paragraph 195 or 196).
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
TH6/H - Dole and Prospect Mills, Thornton Road
Representation ID: 29452
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
See attachment for full representation.
The site is within the Thornton Conservation Area and contains the Grade II listed 285 and 287 Thornton Road, a pair of houses associated with the former Prospect Mill. The site is also adjacent to a Grade II listed terrace along Prospect Street and the Grade II listed Ashfield House. Thornton Conservation Area is included on the Heritage at Risk Register. The development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of these designated heritage assets.
Before allocating this site for development:
(1) An assessment needs to be undertaken of the contribution which this site makes to those elements which contribute towards the significance of the Listed Buildings in its vicinity, and what impact the loss of this undeveloped site and its subsequent development might have upon their significance.
(2) If it is considered that the development of this site would harm elements which contribute to the significance of the Listed Buildings, then the measures by which that harm might be removed or reduced need to be effectively tied into the Plan.
(3) If, at the end of the process, it is concluded that the development would still be likely to harm elements which contribute to the significance of these Listed Buildings, then this site should not be allocated unless there are clear public benefits that outweigh the harm (as is
required by NPPF, Paragraph 195 or 196).
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
TH10/H - Hill Top Road, near Ring O' Bells
Representation ID: 29490
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
The site is located opposite a Grade II listed terrace along Hill Top Road. Several other Grade II Listed Buildings are in the vicinity of the site. The development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of these designated heritage assets.
See attachment for full representation.
Before allocating this site for development:
(1) An assessment needs to be undertaken of the contribution which this site makes to those elements which contribute towards the significance of the Listed Buildings in its vicinity, and what impact the loss of this undeveloped site and its subsequent development might have upon their significance.
(2) If it is considered that the development of this site would harm elements which contribute to the significance of the Listed Buildings, then the measures by which that harm might be removed or reduced need to be effectively tied into the Plan.
(3) If, at the end of the process, it is concluded that the development would still be likely to harm elements which contribute to the significance of these Listed Buildings, then this site should not be allocated unless there are clear public benefits that outweigh the harm (as is
required by NPPF, Paragraph 195 or 196).
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
WI1/H - Crooke Lane
Representation ID: 29491
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
See attachment for full representation.
Part of the site is within the Wilsden Conservation Area. The southeast corner of the site is identified in the Wilsden Conservation Area Appraisal as providing a positive contribution to the character of the Conservation Area. Whilst the site is located outside of the boundary of the Saltaire World Heritage Site (WHS) buffer zone it is
within an area where tall buildings could affect its setting. The development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of these designated heritage assets.
Before allocating this site for development:
(1) An assessment needs to be undertaken of the contribution which this site makes to those elements which contribute towards the significance of the Listed Buildings in its vicinity, and what impact the loss of this undeveloped site and its subsequent development might have upon their significance.
(2) If it is considered that the development of this site would harm elements which contribute to the significance of the Listed Buildings, then the measures by which that harm might be removed or reduced need to be effectively tied into the Plan.
(3) If, at the end of the process, it is concluded that the development would still be likely to harm elements which contribute to the significance of these Listed Buildings, then this site should not be allocated unless there are clear public benefits that outweigh the harm (as is
required by NPPF, Paragraph 195 or 196).
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
WI2/H - Crack Lane
Representation ID: 29492
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
The site is located on rising land some 150 metres east of the Wilsden Conservation Area. The site forms part of countryside setting of the conservation area. Whilst the site is located outside of the boundary of the Saltaire World Heritage Site (WHS) buffer zone it is within an area where tall buildings could affect its setting. The
development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of this designated heritage asset.
See attachment for full representation
Before allocating this site for development:
(1) An assessment needs to be undertaken of the contribution which this site makes to those elements which contribute towards the significance of the Listed Buildings in its vicinity, and what impact the loss of this undeveloped site and its subsequent development might have upon their significance.
(2) If it is considered that the development of this site would harm elements which contribute to the significance of the Listed Buildings, then the measures by which that harm might be removed or reduced need to be effectively tied into the Plan.
(3) If, at the end of the process, it is concluded that the development would still be likely to harm elements which contribute to the significance of these Listed Buildings, then this site should not be allocated unless there are clear public benefits that outweigh the harm (as is
required by NPPF, Paragraph 195 or 196).
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
WI3/H - Moorside Farm, Wellington Road
Representation ID: 29493
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
See attachment for full representation.
The site is located on rising land and is close to the Wilsden Conservation Area. Whilst the site is located outside of the boundary of the Saltaire World Heritage Site (WHS) buffer zone it is within an area where tall buildings could affect its setting. The development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of these designated heritage assets.
Before allocating this site for development:
(1) An assessment needs to be undertaken of the contribution which this site makes to those elements which contribute towards the significance of the Listed Buildings in its vicinity, and what impact the loss of this undeveloped site and its subsequent development might have upon their significance.
(2) If it is considered that the development of this site would harm elements which contribute to the significance of the Listed Buildings, then the measures by which that harm might be removed or reduced need to be effectively tied into the Plan.
(3) If, at the end of the process, it is concluded that the development would still be likely to harm elements which contribute to the significance of these Listed Buildings, then this site should not be allocated unless there are clear public benefits that outweigh the harm (as is
required by NPPF, Paragraph 195 or 196).
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
Consultation Question 15
Representation ID: 29499
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
NPPF paragraph 17 sets out a requirement that development plans include strategic policies to address each local planning authorities priorities for development and other use of land in its area. NPPF paragraph 20 makes it clear that Local Plans should include strategic policies that address the conservation and enhancement of the historic environment, whilst paragraph 185 requires local plans to set out a “positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment.”
Currently, the Local Plan does not contain a strategic policy for the historic environment, setting out a positive strategy for its conservation and enjoyment. However, non-strategic Policy EN4 contains elements that could form the basis of a strategic policy, highlighting elements of the District’s historic environment that are of especial importance that will be a particular focus of conservation efforts.
Insert a new strategic policy: The District’s heritage assets will be conserved in a manner appropriate to their significance. Developments which will help in the management, conservation, understanding and enjoyment of the District’s historic environment, especially for those assets which are at risk, will be
encouraged. Particular attention will be paid to the conservation of those elements which contribute most to Selby’s distinctive character and sense of place. These include:
The nationally important prehistoric rock art of Bradford's upland areas.
The Registered Battlefield at Adwalton Moor.
The nationally important industrial heritage relating to the textile industry, particularly the mills, chimneys,
commercial buildings, public buildings, and associated housing and settlements, the legacy of public parks, gardens, landscapes and cemeteries.
The Outstanding Universal Value of Saltaire World Heritage Site, considered to be the finest and most complete example of an integrated mill and associated village in England.
The pre-industrial townscape and distinctive architectural styles and palette of materials of the District's towns and villages, the Victorian townscape of the expanded towns such as Bradford, Ilkley and Keighley.
The spatial qualities, building form, plot sizes, open spaces, trees and identified significant views of the urban areas, semi-rural villages and suburban developments, including at Heaton Estates, Devonshire Park and Middleton.
The heritage assets associated with transport including historic bridges, and the structures and character of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal.
The literary and other associations of Haworth and conservation areas of Thornton with the Bronte family.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
1.0 Welcome
Representation ID: 29592
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
Whilst it is acknowledged that this is not an exhaustive list, it is disappointing that there is no reference made to
Bradford’s historic environment. The historic environment
makes a significant contribution to the distinctive character of Bradford District, to its economic well-being, and to the quality of life of its communities.
Amend accordingly.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
1.0 Welcome
Representation ID: 29593
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
We support the intention to take a masterplanning
approach to regeneration proposals for the southern
gateway area and elsewhere in the city and, where appropriate, would welcome involvement in these project
as they develop.