Oxenhope Neighbourhood Development Plan (Regulation 16) July 2021

Ended on the 10 September 2021

2.0 Neighbourhood Profile

2.1.1 The population of Oxenhope increased by 161 people from 2,465 in 2001 to 2,626 in 2011. (2001& 2011 censuses)

2.1.2 96.2% of people in Oxenhope identify as White British compared with 63.9% in Bradford and 79.7% in England. (2011 census)

2.1.3 When compared with national and district levels, Oxenhope has less young people (aged under 24), less young adults (aged under 44), more middle aged people (aged between 45-64) and more older people (aged 65+). The average age of people in Oxenhope is 43, compared to Bradford, 36 and England, 39. (2011 census)

2.1.4 Oxenhope has a higher rate of economic activity (73.7%) when compared with Bradford (66.6%) and England (69.9%). (2011 census)

2.1.5 Oxenhope also has a lower rate of unemployment (2%) when compared with Bradford (5.8%) and England (4.4%). (2011 census)

2.1.6 Oxenhope has a higher rate of people who are retired (16.9%) than the district (12%) and national levels (13.7%).  (2011 census)

2.1.7 The sectors which employ the most residents are wholesale and retail trade, education, health and social work, manufacturing, and construction. Collectively these sectors employ over 62% of the working resident population. (2011 census)

2.1.8 The proportion of homeowners is much higher in Oxenhope (83.9%), when compared to Bradford (64.9%) and England (64.8%). (2011 census)

2.1.9 The percentage of people who rent through both private (13.3%) and social (1.9%) landlords in Oxenhope is lower than both Bradford (16.5% & 12.3%) and England (16.9% & 16.5%). (2011 census)

2.1.10 Terraced houses are the most common house type in Oxenhope, making up 42.8% of the stock. Detached houses account for 27.9% of houses whilst 23.7% of houses are semi-detached. Only 3.1% of the houses in Oxenhope are flats or apartments. The remaining 2.5% were classed as living in mobile or temporary accommodation. (2011 census)

2.1.11 Levels of car or van ownership in Oxenhope are higher in comparison to district and national levels. The proportion of people without access to a car is just (11.2%) lower than Bradford (30.5%) and England (25.8%).

2.1.12 The proportion of people with access to one vehicle is similar to both district and national levels, however beyond this, Oxenhope has higher levels of people with access to 2 (35.8%), 3 (8.3%) and 4 vehicles (3.1%) when compared to Bradford (21.3%, 4%, 1.2%) and England (24.7%, 5.5%, 1.9%) (2011 census).

2.1.13 Oxenhope has a lower proportion of people with no qualifications, (14.8%) when compared to Bradford, (27.7%) and England, (22.5%). (2011 census)

2.1.14 Oxenhope also has a higher percentage of people with a level 4 qualification or higher (35.9%), when compared to Bradford, (21.8%) and England, (27.4%). (2011 census)

2.1.15 Almost twice as many people in Oxenhope have undertaken apprenticeships, (6.1%), than in Bradford, (3.8%) and England (3.6%). (2011 census).

2.1.16 Oxenhope has a higher percentage of people employed in jobs that are graded intermediate and high level professional occupations (31.8%), when compared to Bradford (16.6%) and England (22.9%). (2011 census).

2.1.17 Oxenhope has similar levels of people employed in junior professional occupations and skilled manual work when compared to district and national levels. (2011 census).

2.1.18 Semi-skilled, low skilled and low grade occupations account for only 12.6% of people in Oxenhope. This is drastically lower than in both Bradford (34.5%) and England (24.8%). (2011 census).

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