Oxenhope Neighbourhood Development Plan (Regulation 16) July 2021

Ended on the 10 September 2021

3.0 Vision

3.1 Vision Statement

"Oxenhope will continue to develop and thrive as a community of settlements, each retaining their own rich heritage and identity. These settlements will continue to be separated by open green spaces and wildlife corridors which protect its distinctive rural character and the relationship between settlement edges and the countryside.

New housing developments will remain consistent in character, scale and density with the traditional and existing housing stock and local built environment. The village continues to encourage small-scale commercial enterprise without compromising its unique character or the wellbeing, quality of life and interests of its many residents.

Oxenhope will provide new opportunities for living, working and recreation for its many residents and visitors and aims to be a sustainable community for future generations."

3.2 Engagement

3.2.1 The scope and content of the Neighbourhood Plan has been informed by community engagement and consultation.

3.2.2 On Saturday 1st October 2016 a 2 hour public inception meeting was held at Oxenhope Methodist Church. This was attended by around 150 residents who were keen to share their thoughts on how Oxenhope should develop and what issues the Neighbourhood Plan should address. Those who wished to be involved in the production of the plan left their contact details to be kept informed and invited to any future events or meetings. A summary note of the meeting was produced which is included in the Statement of Community Consultation.

3.2.3 In summary the main points raised were:

  • Conserving and enhancing heritage assets in Oxenhope
  • Ensuring new housing is designed so that it is in keeping with the existing housing stock
  • Managing problem parking
  • Promoting walking, cycling and public transport
  • Supporting the rural economy
  • Protecting green spaces, wildlife and biodiversity

3.2.4 A workshop was held on Tuesday 15th November 2016 where interested residents and stakeholders were invited to help inform the scope and content of the Neighbourhood Plan.

3.2.5 There were around 15 attendees at the workshop which allowed for an intimate discussion around the key themes and issues in Oxenhope and what could be included in the plan.

3.2.6 A summary note of the workshop is included in the Statement of Community Consultation but the key points were:

  • How can the plan protect heritage buildings that are not listed?
  • How can the NDP add to the existing village documents such as the Village Design Statement and Conservation Area Appraisals?
  • Can the NDP encourage local business and entrepreneurship?
  • What can be done to promote tourism in Oxenhope?
  • Can the NDP address flood concerns, especially around Station Road?

3.3 Neighbourhood Plan Housing Survey Responses 

3.3.1 To better understand the key issues and concerns facing local people a series of surveys were circulated throughout the village. The surveys were jointly produced by the Neighbourhood Plan Project Group and consultants Integreat Plus.

3.3.2 A housing survey was undertaken to gather views on a variety of housing related topics. This includes understanding local perceptions of housing need, priorities for new housing development and issues with the existing housing stock.

3.3.3 The housing survey received 119 responses from members of the community. A housing summary report was drafted which provides an overview of the responses and details how these responses have helped to inform the content of this Plan.

3.3.4 In summary the key findings were that the most in demand house types are affordable housing for local people, smaller retirement homes, houses built to high environmental and sustainability standards, and 3-4 bed family houses.

3.3.5 The most desirable size of housing development is individual homes, infill housing and small schemes of up to 5 dwellings.

3.3.6 The biggest issues with the current stock of housing is parking and traffic related issues, low levels of energy efficiency, a lack of mid-sized houses, lack of affordable houses and strained local infrastructure.

3.3.7 The most important factor in new development is that the design is in-keeping with the local vernacular. The second most important is suitable parking provision. Third is the location of new development and its impact on the local area.

3.3.8 The biggest concerns people had about new housing development was the impact on traffic and parking, loss of green spaces and its negative impact on the landscape.

3.4 Neighbourhood Plan Travel Survey Responses 

3.4.1 To gain a better understanding of vehicle usage, movement trends and other transport related data, a travel survey was produced and circulated throughout the village.

3.4.2 133 people responded to the survey. A summary report which details the outcomes of the survey has been produced as a supporting document to this Plan.

3.4.3 The responses to the survey helped to inform the scope and content of this Plan and has ensured that the Plan is a genuine response to local needs and aspirations.

3.4.4 In summary, the survey suggests that traffic related issues such as parking and congestion are common problems throughout the village. Residents are concerned that additional housing development will exasperate the problem.

3.4.5 The most common number of cars owned in Oxenhope is 2 per household. Although the sample size is much smaller than the 2011 census, the data indicates that in the last 7 years the percentage of people with 2 cars has risen from 35.8% to 47%This means that almost half of households in the village have access to 2 vehicles.

3.4.6 Meanwhile the percentage of households with access to 0 cars has dropped from 11.2% in the 2011 census to 5% according to the survey.

3.4.7 The most common location for car storage is on a driveway with 38% of responses. Joint second is on-street parking and garages both with 24%. This means that almost a quarter of all surveyed households park their cars on-street.

3.4.8 Carsare the most popular mode of transport by the people surveyed with 78% using them more than other modes of transport. Of those surveyed, 87 people use their cars to commute to work, whilst only 12 people use bus or rail to commute to work and only 6 walk or cycle to work. Most people surveyed work within 10 miles of Oxenhope (57%) whilst only 4% work more than 20 miles from Oxenhope.

3.4.9 The main traffic-based issues facing respondents to the survey are cars parked on-streets causing poor visibility and obstructions, a lack of suitable pavements for pedestrians and speeding vehicles.

3.4.10 Respondents to the survey feel that new development should have adequate parking provision, including garages, driveways and visitor parking. Traffic calming measures and improved pedestrian and cycles infrastructure is also highly requested. Many respondents would like to see better public transport including bus and rail serving the village.

3.4.11 Respondents were asked to articulate any issues there were with certain roads such as accident black spots, areas with poor visibility, roads prone to speeding motorists and parking issues.

The most popular responses were:

  1. Denholme Road / Long Causeway (60)
    • (Speeding, parked cars, no pavements, dangerous for HGVs)
  2. Station Road (40)
    • (Parked cars, speeding)
  3. Best Lane (19)
    • (Parked cars, difficult for the bus)
  4. Shaw Lane / West Shaw (15)
    • (Speeding, parked cars, no pavements, poor visibility)
  5. Cross Lane / Hedben Bridge Road (11)
    • (Parked cars outside school, poor visibility)

3.5 Aims and Objectives 

  1. Conserve and enhance the natural environment including access and management
  2. Conserve and enhance historic, cultural and heritage assets
  3. Conserve and enhance local green spaces
  4. Protect and enhance community services and facilities
  5. Reduce traffic, congestion and parking issues
  6. Ensure new housing development is in keeping with local vernacular, scale and density and contributes to retaining distinct village settlements
  7. Encourage small scale commercial development, support new and existing businesses
  8. Encourage and support recreational and leisure activities and opportunities
  9. Deliver the right house types in the right places to meet local needs
  10. Improve movement and wayfinding around the village including pedestrian and cycle movement
  11. Encourage and support key economic sectors such as tourism and agriculture
  12. Positively contribute to the wellbeing and quality of life for local people and visitors
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