Ilkley Neighbourhood Development Plan (Regulation 16) July 2021

Ended on the 15 September 2021

1. Introduction

1.1. Ilkley is a compact town of 14,840 people, surrounded by designated Green Belt. The neighbourhood area has 3 conservation areas, namely: Ilkley, including the town centre; Ben Rhydding; and Middleton. Although in Wharfedale, Ilkley is part of the City of Bradford Metropolitan District. The town of Ilkley is largely residential and attracts a considerable number of mainly day visitors who enjoy the local attractions and countryside.

1.2. In 2012, as a qualifying body, Ilkley Town Council decided to prepare a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP). Taking advantage of the power available to town councils granted through the Localism Act 2011, the Town Council applied to City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (CBMDC) for the whole town area to be designated a neighbourhood planning area (see Figure 1). This application was approved by the CBMDC's Executive Committee on 5 November 2013.

1.3. The Ilkley Neighbourhood Development Plan (INDP) is structured in the following way:

Chapter 2 -

"Why do we need to prepare a Neighbourhood Development Plan for Ilkley?" sets out the background to the INDP and describes why the Town Council believes it is important local people take the opportunity to use this new power.

Chapter 3 -

"City of Bradford Metropolitan District Strategic Planning Policy" outlines the strategic planning policy framework within which the INDP has been prepared.

Chapter 4 -

"Vision and Objectives for the INDP" sets out the vision for Ilkley in 2030, along with the Plan's objectives to help us deliver this vision.

Chapter 5 -

"INDP Policies and Proposals" is the real "heart" of the document and sets out the INDP's planning policies and proposals for the area.

Chapter 6 -

"Monitoring and review" sets out how the Town Council will monitor the success of the INDP and review the document, if necessary, should things become out of date or are not working as intended

Figure 1 - Ilkley Neighbourhood Area

Map marking the boundaries of the Ilkley Neighbourhood Area

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