Draft South Pennine Moors SPA/SAC Planning Framework Supplementary Planning Document

[estimated] Ended on the 24 March 2021

Appendix 1: The Nature Conservation Interest of the European Sites

5.1 The relevant European sites are summarised in the table below, where the interest features, threats and pressures and links to the relevant conservation objectives are listed.

Table 4: Summary of relevant European sites, their interest features and relevant pressures/threats. Pressures/threats are taken from the Site Improvement Plans (SIPs).


Reason for designation (# denotes UK special responsibility)

Relevant actions in response to pressures and threats

South Pennine Moors Phase 2 SPA

A098(B) Falco columbarius: Merlin

A140(B) Pluvialis apricaria : European golden plover

Breeding bird assemblage:

A142(B) Vanellus vanellus: Northern lapwing

A222(B) Asio flammeus: Short-eared owl

A160(B) Numenius arquata: Eurasian curlew

A162(B) Tringa totanus: Common redshank

A275(B) Saxicola rubetra: Whinchat

A277(B) Oenanthe oenanthe: Northern wheatear

A282(B) Turdus torquatus: Ring ouzel

A367(B) Carduelis flavirostris: Twite

A466(B) Calidris alpina schinzii: Dunlin

A168(B) Actitis hypoleucos: Common sandpiper

A153(B) Gallinago gallinago: Common snipe

Implement a co-ordinated approach across Local Authorities, covering the South Pennine Moors SPA

Phase 2, to evaluate the 'in combination effects at a site level' when considering/developing local Development frameworks, infrastructure programmes and evaluating planning permissions.

This needs to consider both land which is covered by the SPA and land which is functionally linked (e.g. adjacent feeding habitats for SPA birds).

Establish and monitor cumulative impacts of development on South Pennine Moors SPA Phase 2 bird populations.

South Pennine Moors SAC

H4010 Northern Atlantic wet heaths with Erica tetralix

H4030 European dry heaths

H7130# Blanket bogs

H7140 Transition mires and quaking bogs

H91A0 Old sessile oak woods with Ilex and Blechnum in the British Isles

Control, reduce and ameliorate atmospheric nitrogen impacts.

Monitor sensitive Natura features where disturbance is a factor (or a potential factor) to discern trends and refine advice on recreational activities. Manage erosion issues away from Public Rights of Way Act (PROW), caused by public access (open access desire lines and informal paths), by installing flagstone paths and stabilising and restoring adjoining bare peat on SAC blanket

bog sites.

Develop and implement habitat and species management plans in relation to specific disturbance issues, potentially as part of a public

access management plan.

Increase awareness of the importance of the sites in terms of SAC/SPA designation (including

Habitats Regulations) and the impact of potentially disturbing activities (including open access) on them, through access and community projects. Develop and implement a Peak Park events web-based application system.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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