Draft South Pennine Moors SPA/SAC Planning Framework Supplementary Planning Document

[estimated] Ended on the 24 March 2021
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(5)Appendix 5: Summary of tariff calculations

This appendix provides a summary of the cost calculations used to derive the tariff.

Cost of mitigation measures: £6,507,795.

Total dwellings estimated to be coming forward: 17,326

Cost per dwelling for mitigation: £375.61

Administration and Monitoring Fee

Applicants are expected to meet the Council's administration and monitoring costs associated with any drafting, checking, overseeing and approving the unilateral undertaking. This fee is in addition to the statutory planning application fee and the contribution itself and must be reasonable.

The Council's intention is to introduce a fee of £100 per application. The administration and monitoring fee will be published separately on the Bradford Council website once the SPD is adopted. This fee will be subject to review to ensure it is proportionate and reasonable and reflects the actual cost of administration and monitoring.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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