Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
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Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
CC2/H - Former Bee Hive Mills, Smith Street
Representation ID: 29118
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
The Goitside Conservation Area is included on the Heritage at Risk register. The development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of this designated heritage asset. The principle of allocating this site, for the nature and scale of
development set out in the APP, has therefore been recently established as part of the Local Development Plan for Bradford District.
In order to safeguard these heritage assets, we would expect the Local Plan requirements for this site relating to the conservation and enhancement of the historic environment to, as a minimum, reflect those set out in the AAP. Consequently, we welcome that the Development Considerations and Constraints & Opportunities
identified for this site in the Draft Local Plan broadly reflect those in the AAP, taking account of the change in the site boundary.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
CC3/H - Listerhills Road
Representation ID: 29120
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
The Goitside Conservation Area is included on the Heritage at Risk register. The development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of this designated heritage asset.The site is currently allocated for development within the Bradford City Centre Area Action Plan (AAP), adopted in December 2017. The
principle of allocating this site, for the nature and scale of
development set out in the APP, has therefore been recently established as part of the Local Development Plan for Bradford District. In order to safeguard these heritage assets, we would expect the Local Plan requirements for this site relating to the conservation
and enhancement of the historic environment to, as a minimum, reflect those set out in the AAP. Consequently, we welcome that the Development Considerations and Constraints & Opportunities identified for this site in the Draft Local Plan reflect those in the AAP.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
CC4/H - Cathedral Quarter B
Representation ID: 29121
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
The site is within the Cathedral Precinct Conservation Area and adjacent to The Ring O’Bells Public House, a Grade II Listed Building. A number of other Listed Buildings are close to the site, including the Grade I Listed Cathedral Church of St Peter. The development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of these designated heritage assets.
The principle of allocating this site, for the nature and scale of development set out in the APP, has been recently established as part of the Local Development Plan.
We would expect the Local Plan requirements for this site to, as a minimum, reflect those set out in the AAP. Consequently, we welcome that the Development Considerations and Constraints & Opportunities
identified for this site in the Draft Local Plan broadly reflect those in the AAP, taking account of the change in the site boundary.
If there have been any significant changes to the sites
circumstances since its allocation in the AAP that we are not aware of, or the development proposed is significantly different (e.g. in terms of land use, density, scale, developable area etc.), the Council should undertake a Heritage Impact Assessment of the site as part
of the Evidence Base to the emerging Local Plan.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
CC6/H - Midland Mills, Valley Road
Representation ID: 29126
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
The site contains part of the Grade II Listed Ambler Mills and Midland Mills Warehouses. The site is opposite the Bradford Conditioning House also Grade II. The development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of these designated heritage assets. The principle of development has been established as part of the Local Plan.
We would expect the Local Plan requirements for this site relating to the conservation and enhancement of the historic environment to, as a minimum, eflect those set out in the AAP. Consequently, we welcome that the
Development Considerations and Constraints & Opportunities identified for this site in the Draft Local Plan reflect those in the AAP.
If there have been any significant changes to the sites
circumstances since its allocation in the AAP that we are not aware of, or the development proposed is significantly different (e.g. in terms of land use, density, scale, developable area etc.), the Council should undertake a Heritage Impact Assessment of the site as part
of the Evidence Base to the emerging Local Plan
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
CC7/H - Thornton Road south
Representation ID: 29127
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
The site is opposite the Goitside Conservation Area. The
Conservation Area is included on the Heritage at Risk register. The development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of this designated heritage asset. The site is currently allocated for development within the Bradford City Centre Area Action Plan (AAP), adopted in December 2017. The principle of allocating this site, for the nature and scale of
development set out in the APP, has therefore been recently established as part of the Local Development Plan for Bradford District.
In order to safeguard these heritage assets, we would expect the Local Plan requirements for this site relating to the conservation and enhancement of the historic environment to, as a minimum, reflect those set out in the AAP. Consequently, we welcome that the Development Considerations and Constraints & Opportunities
identified for this site in the Draft Local Plan reflect those in the AAP.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
CC8/H - 179 Sunbridge Road
Representation ID: 29133
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
The Goitside Conservation Area is included on the Heritage at Risk register. The development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of this designated heritage asset.
Unfortunately, subsequent to its allocation in the AAP the Laconia buildings has been demolished following storm damage. We welcome the inclusion of a reference to the proximity of designated heritage assets in the Constraints and Opportunities section of the sites pro forma, and that the Development Considerations highlight that development proposals should respond sensitively to the surrounding historic context and safeguard the character and setting of the conservation area (N.B. the reference to listed buildings can be removed as there are none
within the immediate vicinity of the site). This will alert potential developers of the need to take account of those elements which contribute to their significance, and ensure that they are not harmed by development proposals.
a) Remove references in the site pro forma to the former Laconia building.
b) Development Constraints, third bullet point, amend to read:
‘Development proposals should respond sensitively to the surrounding historic context and safeguard the character and
setting of the conservation area.’
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
CC9/H - Tetley Street
Representation ID: 29136
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
The site is within the Goitside Conservation Area and contains the cottage, a non-designated heritage asset, at its north-east corner.
Another key non-designated asset, the Sun Hotel, is adjacent to the sites south-west corner. The Conservation Area is included on the Heritage at Risk register. The development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of these heritage assets.
We would expect the Local Plan requirements for this site to reflect those set out in the AAP. Consequently, the Development Considerations and Constraints & Opportunities identified for this site in the Draft Local Plan need to reflect those in the AAP. If there have been any significant changes to the sites circumstances since its allocation in the AAP that we are not aware of, or the development proposed is significantly different (e.g. in
terms of land use, density, scale, developable area etc.), the Council should undertake a Heritage Impact Assessment as part of the Evidence Base.
Add the following additional Development Consideration to the site pro forma:
‘The building line of new development should follow all four edges of the site to define the surrounding streets.’
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
CC10/H - Land and buildings south of Sunbridge Road
Representation ID: 29137
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
Before allocating this site for
(1) An assessment needs to be undertaken of the contribution which this site makes to those elements which contribute towards the significance of the
Conservation Area and Listed Buildings in its vicinity, and what impact development might have upon their significance.
(2) If it is considered that the development of this site would harm elements which contribute to the significance of the Conservation Area and Listed Buildings, then the measures by which that harm might be removed or reduced need to be effectively tied into the Plan.
(3) If, at the end of the process, it is concluded that the development would still be likely to harm elements which
contribute to the significance of the Conservation Area and any of these Listed Buildings, then this site should not be allocated unless there are clear public benefits that outweigh the harm (as is required by NPPF, Paragraph 195 or 196)
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
CC11/H - Wigan Street
Representation ID: 29138
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
The site is adjacent to the boundary of the Goitside Conservation Area. The Conservation Area is included on the Heritage at Risk register. The development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of this designated heritage asset.
The site is currently allocated for development within the Bradford City Centre Area Action Plan (AAP), adopted in December 2017. The principle of allocating this site, for the nature and scale of development set out in the APP, has therefore been recently established as part of the Local Development Plan for Bradford District.
In order to safeguard these heritage assets, we would expect the Local Plan requirements for this site relating to the conservation and enhancement of the historic environment to, as a minimum, reflect those set out in the AAP. Consequently, we welcome that the Development Considerations and Constraints & Opportunities
identified for this site in the Draft Local Plan reflect those in the AAP.
Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021
CC12/H - City Village Top of Town
Representation ID: 29139
Received: 29/03/2021
Respondent: Historic England
Before allocating this site for development:
(1) An assessment needs to be undertaken of the contribution which this site makes to those elements which contribute towards the significance of the Conservation Area and Listed Buildings in its vicinity, and what impact development might have upon their significance.
(2) If it is considered that the development of this site would harm elements which contribute to the significance of the Conservation Area and Listed Buildings, then the measures by which that harm might be removed or reduced need to be effectively tied into the Plan.
(3) If, at the end of the process, it is concluded that the development would still be likely to harm elements which
contribute to the significance of the Conservation Area and any of these Listed Buildings, then this site should not be allocated unless there are clear public benefits that outweigh the harm (as is required by NPPF, Paragraph 195 or 196).