Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

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Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

CC23/H - Land West of Wharf Street

Representation ID: 29154

Received: 29/03/2021

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

The site is adjacent to the Cathedral Precinct Conservation Area and close to the Grade II Listed 29 Canal Road. The development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance
of this designated heritage asset.
The site is currently allocated for development within the Bradford City Centre Area Action Plan (AAP), adopted in December 2017. The principle of allocating this site, for the nature and scale of development set out in the APP, has therefore been recently established as part of the Local Development Plan for Bradford District.
In order to safeguard these heritage assets, we would expect the Local Plan requirements for this site relating to the conservation and enhancement of the historic environment to, as a minimum, reflect those set out in the AAP. Consequently, we welcome that the Development Considerations and Constraints & Opportunities
identified for this site in the Draft Local Plan reflect those in the AAP. However, if there have been any significant changes to the sites circumstances since its allocation in the AAP that we are not aware of, or the development proposed is significantly different (e.g. in terms of land use, density, scale, developable area etc.), the Council
should undertake a Heritage Impact Assessment of the site as part of the Evidence Base to the emerging Local Plan.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

CC24/H - Cathedral Quarter A

Representation ID: 29155

Received: 29/03/2021

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

In order to safeguard these heritage assets, we would expect the Local Plan requirements for this site relating to the conservation and enhancement of the historic environment to, as a minimum, reflect those set out in the AAP. Consequently, the Development Considerations and Constraints & Opportunities identified for this site in the Draft Local Plan need to reflect those in the AAP. However, if there have been any significant changes to the sites circumstances since its allocation in the AAP that we are not aware of, or the development proposed is significantly different (e.g. in terms of land use, density, scale, developable area etc.), the Council should undertake a Heritage Impact Assessment of the site as part of the Evidence Base to the emerging Local Plan.
add the following additional bullet point under the list of Constraints and Opportunities on the site pro forma:
‘This site may contain pockets of important archaeological remains from the medieval period to the 18th century.’


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

CC25/H - Land to the rear of Cathedral House

Representation ID: 29156

Received: 29/03/2021

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

The site is within the Little Germany Conservation Area and opposite the Cathedral Church of St Peter, a Grade I Listed Building. There are also numerous other Grade II Listed Buildings in the vicinity of the site. The site is also located adjacent to the boundary of the Cathedral Precinct Conservation Area. The development of
this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of these designated heritage assets. The site is currently allocated for development within the Bradford
City Centre Area Action Plan (AAP), adopted in December 2017. The principle of allocating this site, for the nature and scale of development set out in the APP, has therefore been recently established as part of the Local Development Plan for Bradford District.
In order to safeguard these heritage assets, we would expect the Local Plan requirements for this site relating to the conservation and enhancement of the historic environment to, as a minimum, reflect those set out in the AAP. Consequently, we welcome that the Development Considerations and Constraints & Opportunities
identified for this site in the Draft Local Plan reflect those in the AAP. However, if there have been any significant changes to the sites circumstances since its allocation in the AAP that we are not aware of, or the development proposed is significantly different (e.g. in terms of land use, density, scale, developable area etc.), the Council
should undertake a Heritage Impact Assessment of the site as part of the Evidence Base to the emerging Local Plan.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

CC26/H - Gate Haus 2

Representation ID: 29157

Received: 29/03/2021

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

The site is adjacent to the Little Germany Conservation Area and close to a number of Listed Buildings. The development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of these designated heritage assets. The site is currently allocated for development within the Bradford City Centre Area Action Plan (AAP), adopted in December 2017. The principle of allocating this site, for the nature and scale of development set out in the APP, has therefore been recently established as part of the Local Development Plan for Bradford District.
In order to safeguard these heritage assets, we would expect the Local Plan requirements for this site relating to the conservation and enhancement of the historic environment to, as a minimum, reflect those set out in the AAP. Consequently, we welcome that the Development Considerations and Constraints & Opportunities
identified for this site in the Draft Local Plan reflect those in the AAP. N.B. The AAP allocation reference number
for this site is CH1.11 and not M1.3 as set out in the prof forma.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

CC27/H - Stone Street

Representation ID: 29159

Received: 29/03/2021

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

The site is within the City Centre Conservation Area and adjacent to a number of Grade II Listed Buildings, including the neighbouring Register Office. The development of this area could harm elements
which contribute to the significance of these designated heritage assets. The site is currently allocated for development within the Bradford City Centre Area Action Plan (AAP), adopted in December 2017. The principle of allocating this site, for the nature and scale of development set out in the APP, has therefore been recently established as part of the Local Development Plan for Bradford District.
In order to safeguard these heritage assets, we would expect the Local Plan requirements for this site relating to the conservation and enhancement of the historic environment to, as a minimum, reflect those set out in the AAP. Consequently, we welcome that the Development Considerations and Constraints & Opportunities identified for this site in the Draft Local Plan reflect those in the AAP. However, if there have been any significant changes to the sites circumstances since its allocation in the AAP that we are not aware of, or the development proposed is significantly different (e.g. in terms of land use, density, scale, developable area etc.), the Council should undertake a Heritage Impact Assessment of the site as part of the Evidence Base to the emerging Local Plan.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

CC28/H - Land and buildings east of Grattan Road

Representation ID: 29160

Received: 29/03/2021

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

The site is within the Goitside Conservation Area and contains Hollins Mill, a key non-designated heritage asset. The Conservation Area is included on the Heritage at Risk register. The development of this area could harm elements which contribute to the significance of these heritage assets. Part of this site is currently allocated for development within the Bradford City Centre Area Action Plan (AAP), adopted in December 2017. This site has been extended to include Hollins Mill a prominent and distinctive former textile mill which contributes to
the significance of the Conservation Area. We support the intention to retain and convert this building, and welcome the development consideration stating that development proposals should respond sensitively to the surrounding historic context, and safeguard the
character and setting of adjacent listed buildings and conservation area.


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

CC29/H - Former college Old Building, Great Horton Road

Representation ID: 29161

Received: 29/03/2021

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

There is a requirement in the 1990 Act that “special
regard” should be had to the desirability of preserving Listed Buildings or their setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which they possess. Although this requirement only relates to the determination of planning applications, failure to take
account of this requirement at this stage may mean that, when a Planning Application is submitted, even though a site is allocated for development in the Local Plan, the need to pay special regard to the desirability of preserving a Listed Building or its setting may mean that either, the site cannot actually be developed or the
anticipated quantum of development is undeliverable.
In order to demonstrate that the allocation of this area is not incompatible with the requirements of the NPPF, as part of the Evidence Base underpinning the Plan there needs to be an assessment of what contribution this area makes to those elements which contribute to the significance of these heritage assets and what effect the development might have upon their significance.
Before allocating this site for
(1) An assessment needs to be undertaken of the contribution which this site makes to those elements which contribute towards the significance of the
Conservation Area and Listed Buildings in its vicinity, and what impact the loss of this site and its subsequent development might have upon their significance.
(2) If it is considered that the development of this site would harm elements which contribute to the significance of the
Conservation Area and Listed Buildings,
then the measures by which that harm
might be removed or reduced need to be
effectively tied into the Plan.
(3) If, at the end of the process, it is
concluded that the development would
still be likely to harm elements which
contribute to the significance of the
Conservation Area and any of these Listed
Buildings, then this site should not be
allocated unless there are clear public
benefits that outweigh the harm (as is
required by NPPF, Paragraph 195 or 196).


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

NE22/E - Walkhill Farm, Apperley Lane

Representation ID: 29163

Received: 29/03/2021

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

In order to demonstrate that the allocation of this area is not incompatible with the requirements of the NPPF, as part of the Evidence Base underpinning the Plan there needs to be an assessment of what contribution this area makes to those elements which contribute to the significance of these heritage assets and what effect the loss of this site and its subsequent development
might have upon their significance.

Before allocating this site for development:
(1) An assessment needs to be undertaken of the contribution which this site makes to those elements which contribute towards the significance of the
Conservation Area and Listed Buildings in its vicinity, and what impact the loss of this site and its subsequent development might have upon their significance.
(2) If it is considered that the development of this site would harm elements which contribute to the significance of the Conservation Area and Listed Buildings,
then the measures by which that harm might be removed or reduced need to be effectively tied into the Plan.
(3) If, at the end of the process, it is concluded that the development would still be likely to harm elements which
contribute to the significance of the Conservation Area and any of these Listed Buildings, then this site should not be allocated unless there are clear public
benefits that outweigh the harm (as is required by NPPF, Paragraph 195 or 196).


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

NE23/E - Apperley Bridge / Esholt (Former Filter Beds - Water Treatment Works) Strategic Employment Area

Representation ID: 29165

Received: 29/03/2021

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

There is a requirement in the 1990 Act that “special
regard” should be had to the desirability of preserving Listed Buildings or their setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which they possess. Although this requirement only relates to the determination of planning applications, failure to take
account of this requirement at this stage may mean that, when a Planning Application is submitted, even though a site is allocated for development in the Local Plan, the need to pay special regard to the desirability of preserving a Listed Building or its setting may
mean that either, the site cannot actually be developed or the anticipated quantum of development is undeliverable.
In order to demonstrate that the allocation of this area is not incompatible with the requirements of the NPPF, as part of the Evidence Base underpinning the Plan there needs to be an assessment of what contribution this area makes to those elements which contribute to the significance of these heritage assets and what effect development might have upon their significance.
Before allocating this site for
(1) An assessment needs to be undertaken
of the contribution which this site makes
to those elements which contribute
towards the significance of the
Conservation Area and Listed Buildings in
its vicinity, and what impact development
might have upon their significance.
Before allocating this site for
(2) If it is considered that the development
of this site would harm elements which
contribute to the significance of the
Conservation Area and Listed Buildings,
then the measures by which that harm
might be removed or reduced need to be
effectively tied into the Plan.
(3) If, at the end of the process, it is
concluded that the development would
still be likely to harm elements which
contribute to the significance of the
Conservation Area and any of these Listed
Buildings, then this site should not be
allocated unless there are clear public
benefits that outweigh the harm (as is
required by NPPF, Paragraph 195 or 196).


Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18) February 2021

NE4/H - Simpsons Green

Representation ID: 29166

Received: 29/03/2021

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Before allocating this site for development:
(1) An assessment needs to be undertaken of the contribution which this site makes to those elements which contribute towards the significance of the
Conservation Area and Listed Buildings in its vicinity, and what impact the loss of this undeveloped site and its subsequent development might have upon their
(2) If it is considered that the development of this site would harm elements which contribute to the significance of the Conservation Area and Listed Buildings, then the measures by which that harm might be removed or reduced need to be effectively tied into the Plan.
(3) If, at the end of the process, it is concluded that the development would still be likely to harm elements which
contribute to the significance of the Conservation Area and any of these Listed Buildings, then this site should not be allocated unless there are clear public
benefits that outweigh the harm (as is required by NPPF, Paragraph 195 or 196).

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