Harden Neighbourhood Development Plan - Regulation 16 Consultation

Ended on the 15 August 2022
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1.1 The Harden Neighbourhood Plan covers the whole of the Civil Parish of Harden as indicated on the Boundary Map opposite.

1.2 The Neighbourhood Plan Area was formally approved by City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Bradford Council) on Wednesday 30 August 2017 in accordance with the Localism Act, 2011, and the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations, 2012.

1.3 The Neighbourhood Plan has been produced on behalf of Harden Village Council in accordance with the above-mentioned statutory provisions together with guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework, ("NPPF") and Planning Practice Guidance ("PPG") issued by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG).

1.4 The strategic planning policy background to the Neighbourhood Plan is provided by the adopted Bradford Council Core Strategy (2017), Bradford City Centre Area Action Plan, Shipley and Canal Road Area Action Plan, the Waste Management DPD, and the Bradford Homes and Neighbourhoods Design Guide.

1.5 The Neighbourhood Plan covers the same period as the Bradford Council Core Strategy to 2030.

Map 1 – Harden Neighbourhood Plan Area

Map 1 Harden Neighbourhood Plan Area


Following the designation of the Harden Neighbourhood Plan boundary a project group was set up comprising Village Councillors and residents to help progress work on the Neighbourhood Plan.

A brief timeline outlining the key stages of the Neighbourhood Plan is below:

August 2017 - Designation of Neighbourhood Plan boundary

August 2018 - Appointment of consultants Integreat PLUS

September 2018 - Development of project timeline

September 2018 - Initial community engagement

November 2018 - Development of vision, aims and objectives

November 2018 - Evidence gathering

March 2019 - Developing draft Neighbourhood Plan

September 2019 - Continued community engagement

March 2020 - Transport assessment

March 2020 - Independent Housing Needs Assessment

March 2020 - Development of Harden Village Design Code

April 2020 - Development of draft Neighbourhood Plan

A summary of the engagement and consultation activities that inform and support the plan is outlined below:

  • September 2018 - Initial engagement to gain an understanding of key issues and local aspirations
  • September 2018 Online and physical survey - completed by 84 people
  • September 2018 - Drop-in event attended by 30 people
  • November 2018 - Community feedback session
  • Project group meetings to develop vision, aims and objectives and initial policies
  • August 2019 - Initial draft plan produced
  • September 2019 - Consultation on initial draft plan through online and physical feedback
  • September 2019 - Drop-in event received 42 representations covering a wide range of issues

Local businesses, groups and organisations including the school, nursery and church have being directly consulted with and encouraged to share their views including those of their staff, members and family.


1.3.1 To date there have been 168 representations made at various engagement exercises split between physical copies of surveys, online comments and surveys and by attendees at drop-in events.

1.3.2 The engagement exercises identified broad themes which have been discussed by the steering group over a series of meetings supported by an independent town planning consultant from Integreat PLUS.

1.3.3 A full copy of the results of initial engagement can be found on the Village Council website along with minutes of all meetings. (www.hardenvillagecouncil.gov.uk)


1.3.4 In the survey respondents were asked what issues they feel the plan should cover. 83 people responded to this question.

  1. Green spaces (77)
  2. Transport (65)
  3. House Types (58)
  4. Housing Design (49)
  5. Community facilities (48)
  6. Local businesses (44)
  7. Heritage (43)
  8. Leisure & recreation (14)

1.3.5 The results of this question were discussed and six key themes incorporating the identified issues were developed. They are:

  • Housing
  • Transport & Movement
  • Green Spaces & Natural Environment
  • Community Facilities, Services & Leisure
  • Business & Employment
  • Heritage


1.3.6 Respondents were asked what they value the most about Harden. 83 people responded to this question.

  1. Village life and friendly people (45)
  2. Rural nature (32)
  3. Amenities and facilities (11)
  4. Activities and leisure (11)
  5. Connections to other places (10)

1.3.7 The most popular responses received relate to residents' enjoyment of and appreciation for the rural nature of the village and its character.

1.3.8 Other responses include appreciation for its amenities and facilities, the opportunities for recreational activities and leisure pursuits, and connections to nearby villages, towns and cities.

1.3.9 The Neighbourhood Plan responds to these comments by producing a register of local amenities and facilities which it seeks to protect to ensure vital community facilities continue to serve the local population.

1.3.10 A Village Character Assessment and Design Code has been produced which assess and details the distinctive character and qualities of the village. This will be used by developers to ensure that new developments respond to the character of the village.


1.3.11 Respondents were asked what they like least the about Harden. 83 people responded to this question.

  1. Traffic, speeding and parking (55)
  2. Over-development (6)
  3. Public transport (4)
  4. Crime (3)
  5. Pedestrian network (3)

1.3.12 Overwhelmingly the most common response relates to traffic, speeding and parking. The Neighbourhood Plan is limited in its scope to address these issues but does contain both policies and design guidance which seek to address these issues. A transport assessment has been undertaken on behalf of Harden Village Council, which includes a set of recommendations to improve pedestrian and cycle safety and to reduce traffic speeds. The Neighbourhood Plan references these proposals and it is anticipated Harden Village Council will work with key stakeholders to assess the viability of the proposals and seek to deliver them.

1.3.13 The walking and cycling network is also covered in the Neighbourhood Plan and seeks to ensure new developments connect with and where required enhance the network. Over-development is addressed in the Harden Design Code.


1.3.14 Respondents were asked what types of new housing are needed in Harden. 75 people responded to this question.

  1. Housing for older people (55)
  2. Starter homes (39)
  3. Environmentally friendly homes (38)
  4. Medium sized family housing (30)
  5. Small family housing (23)
  6. Affordable housing (22)
  7. Flats / apartments (9)

1.3.15 To provide additional evidence to support the results of community engagement an independent Housing Needs Assessment has been undertaken which has identified that:

  • A greater proportion of smaller properties are needed
  • Harden has a higher proportion of people aged over 65 when compared to the district and England so a greater number of appropriate properties are required
  • A high proportion of large properties already exist in the village and new developments of large properties should be resisted.

These points are addressed in policy HNDP2.


1.3.16 Respondents were asked what groups of people lack services or facilities locally. This question was answered by64 people.

  • Young people / teens (20)
  • Elderly (9)
  • Public transport users (4)
  • Disabled people (4)
  • Medical facilities (3)
  • Library (1)
    • Allotments (1)
    • Workspaces (1)
    • Cafe / bakery (1)

1.3.17 The Neighbourhood Plan has responded to this by including policies which seek to provide new facilities and services for the groups mentioned.

1.3.18 Where it is not appropriate to include proposals as a policy, they have been included as part of the Village Action Plan.


1.3.19 People were asked what they thought Harden should be like as a village in 15 years' time. 81 people responded to this question.

  1. Retain rural character (34)
  2. Improved local services (8)
  3. Better public transport (4)
    1. Less traffic (4)
    2. Diverse and inclusive (4)
    3. More shops and businesses (4)
  4. Retain green spaces (3)
    1. More young families (3)
    2. High quality developments (3)

1.3.20 The Neighbourhood Plan has responded to this by producing a Village Character Assessment and Design Code which details sets out key principles for new development so that they are of high quality and retain the character of the village. The aims and objectives are informed by these responses and policies to promote increased services and businesses are also included.

1.3.21 The Neighbourhood Plan seeks to retain key green spaces by designating them as Local Green Spaces, which are to be protected from development.


1.3.22 People were asked what, if any, concerns they had about the future of Harden. This was answered by 76 people.

  1. Over-development (22)
  2. Volume of traffic (16)
  3. Loss of character (12)
  4. Crime (7)
  5. Loss of green space (6)
  6. Loss of local businesses (3)
  7. Development not in keeping (2)
    1. Development not meeting local needs (2)
  8. Pedestrian safety (1)
    1. Parking provision (1)

1.3.23 The Neighbourhood Plan has assessed these comments and has taken steps where possible to ensure that these concerns have been addressed through either planning policy, design guidance or through village projects.


1.3.24 In addition to the engagement survey, community drop-in events were held in the summer of 2018 and the summer of 2019 to discuss a variety of themes and issues with local people.

1.3.25 A full summary report has been produced which can be found on the village council website.

1.3.26 Short summary of summer 2018 drop-in event comments:

  • Better pedestrian footpaths needed to Bingley and to Wilsden
  • Improvements to crossing at St. Ives entrance & mini roundabout
  • Improved signage needed on walking routes
  • Smaller housing needed for young families and older households wishing to down-size
  • Parking provision and visitor parking key in new schemes
  • Worries about strain on local services (doctor & schools)
  • Improved broadband coverage is needed
  • Support for small businesses and shops (cafe, bakery etc)
  • Support for shared workspace, workshops, small business units
  • Encourage greater mix of residents throughout the village
  • Suggestion of using unused school field as car park

1.3.27 The points raised above have been considered by the project group, and where appropriate have been included in either the Neighbourhood Plan, Design Code, or as a Village Project.

1.3.28 Short summary of summer 2019 drop-in event comments:

  • Greater reference to climate emergency in Neighbourhood Plan
  • Vision should include retaining character of village
  • Housing for the elderly is desperately needed
  • All new houses should have solar panels, insulation and rainwater storage
  • Bungalows are needed (or accessible homes)
  • Protect key views
  • Car parking and addressing speeding are important
  • Improved and safer walking routes needed, especially near busy roads
  • Greater use of existing buildings to benefit the community
  • More facilities and recreational opportunities for young people and families
  • Take over management of the old dam and improve biodiversity
  • Green spaces must be protected
  • Wildlife corridors are really important
  • Encourage more tree planting throughout the village
  • Preserve the village's heritage
  • Dry stone walls are very important to the character of Harden
  • Allotments and community gardening is needed
  • Safety really important for pedestrians, especially for young people

1.3.29 The points raised above have been assessed by the project group and where appropriate have been included in either the Neighbourhood Plan, the Design Code, or as a Village Project


"A vibrant, inclusive, sustainable rural community, with attractive green spaces and high quality housing and facilities, making it a desirable place for people to live and enjoy, now and into the future."




  1. Improve resilience to the effects of, and take urgent action against, the climate emergency, working towards becoming a sustainable and low-carbon village.
  1. Ensure that new housing meets local needs both now and in the future.
  1. Promote high quality design in all new developments, which responds to and reinforces local character and is built to high levels of sustainable design and performance.
  1. Conserve and enhance green spaces, heritage assets and the character of the village for everyone to enjoy now and in the future, including access and amenity, and provision of allotments/community gardening.
  1. Improve pedestrian and cycle infrastructure and support and enable greater use of sustainable and healthy transport methods, and greater mobility for all.
  1. Work towards better management of parking issues in the village centre that negatively affect the community.
  1. Encourage new leisure and recreational opportunities, especially for young people.
  1. Protect existing facilities, and support the expansion and development of new community facilities in line with local needs and aspirations.
  1. Protect existing businesses and encourage appropriate new business activity.
  1. Encourage better, high-speed internet coverage.
For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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