Wilsden Neighbourhood Plan 2020-2038

Ended on the 18 March 2024


Wilsden Parish is a former mill village in a picturesque area on the outskirts of the main Bradford conurbation. It has a rich heritage clearly evidenced in the number of historic buildings, reflecting a time when the textile industry dominated the economy of the area.

The Neighbourhood Plan (The Plan) for Wilsden has been led and championed by a Steering Group of Wilsden Parish Council including both parish councillors and residents. A Neighbourhood Plan is a new planning tool, which enables communities to have a greater say in how their neighbourhood develops.

The Plan provides an important opportunity to ensure that the parish is developed in a well-planned and positive way; meeting the strategic needs of the District in harmony with the aspirations of the local community. This Plan is based on robust evidence and extensive consultation with the residents of Wilsden and other individuals and bodies with an interest in how the Parish develops. There were a number of clear messages that came through the consultation process, namely the need for the Plan to:

  • ensure that further housing and other developments within the area, as specified by City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, reflect and are sensitive to the needs of the area.
  • conserve and enhance the built heritage of Wilsden and the surrounding area.
  • protect and enhance the natural environment both within the village of Wilsden and in the surrounding countryside.
  • maintain a mixed economy with continuing employment in a diverse range of small and medium sized enterprises.
  • maintain and enhance community facilities in the area.

The Plan reflects these views; and broadly aims to support development that enhances the area and meets local needs and aspirations. The Plan includes a vision for the area and a set of objectives and planning policies to support this vision.

The Plan along with the associated Design Code, once adopted, will form part of the district-wide suite of planning documents. Its policies will work alongside policies in the Bradford Local Plan, once agreed.

The Plan is published along with a number of Supplementary Evidence documents which inform the policies detailed below.

Lucy Golton

Chair Wilsden Parish Council


The following abbreviations have been used within this Neighbourhood Plan

CBMDC City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

CIL Community Infrastructure Levy

DPD Development Plan Document

NPPF National Planning Policy Framework

RUDP Bradford Revised Unitary Development Plan

SHLAA Bradford Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

SHMA Bradford Strategic Housing Market Assessment

SPD Supplementary Planning Document

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