Wilsden Neighbourhood Plan 2020-2038

Ended on the 18 March 2024


7.0.1 Shops and local centres are vital for vibrant, sustainable and thriving communities. These are at the heart of a community. They provide a valuable service in meeting the day-to-day needs of residents as well as providing opportunities for investment and local employment close to where people live. They also reduce the need to travel, and act as a focal point for local life and social interaction.

7.0.2 Wilsden has a good range of shops. These include a small supermarket ('the Co-op'), a butcher, a sandwich shop, a cafe, chemist, hairdressers and hot food takeaways. They are convenient and well used by residents. Many residents use local shops for their day-to-day shopping needs such as the purchase of bread, milk and other necessary items. The larger centres of Keighley, Bradford and Leeds tend to be where residents go to make their larger shopping purchases.

7.0.3 Recent years have seen a continued and marked change in shopping provision in Wilsden. There has been a gradual decline in 'traditional forms' of shops such as those offering fresh food and clothing (for example, between 1970 and 2006 the number of dedicated greengrocers in the Parish went from 3 to 0). This decline in number has been partly offset by an increase in other forms of shops, such as hot food takeaways.

7.0.4 Shops in Wilsden face competition from shops outside the Parish as well as other forms of shopping. The mix of shops is less exposed to the move towards online shopping than much of the retail sector and recent trend towards more local shopping as a result of Covid-19 pandemic has strengthened many local shops. There is also the competition from their change of use to more 'profitable uses', notably the conversion of shops into housing. It is important that shopping provision can change to reflect the changing needs and profile of the population. This is particularly important given the ageing population of the Parish. The consultation showed that the protection and enhancement of shops is a top priority for local people.

7.1 Wilsden Local Centre

7.1.1 Most of the retail outlets in the Parish are clustered along Main Street. This area acts as the focal point for shopping in the Parish and is relatively popular and well used. This is also reflected in the findings of consultation and other studies and reports. The 2019 Retail and Leisure Study produced by CBMDC in support of the Local Plan, for example, concluded 'that Wilsden appears to be stable and performing well. It has a good number and range of shops. There are 26 retail units within the centre, with the convenience offer being centred around the Co-op Food store and is supported by a butcher, a Post Office that is also a newsagent supplying stationery and greeting cards and a gift shop. There are also a small number of other retail outlets for example a bridal-wear store, animal feed supplier and car sales showroom. In addition, there are a range of services such as estate agents, hairdressers, a beauty salon, takeaways, restaurant and public houses'. This area is also part of the Wilsden Conservation Area which means there are additional controls over development, for example there are no permitted development rights for the conversion of a shop premises to residential use.

7.1.2 In preparing the Plan the opportunity has been taken to review and update the village centre boundary, taking into account the various Bradford Retail and Leisure Studies prepared by CBMDC. The proposed boundary is shown in Figure 12. It is recognised that the CBMDC Local Plan will set the boundary for the Wilsden Local Centre and the Parish Council will liaise with CBMDC to ensure that this represents the current balance between retail and non-retail usage.

7.1.3 Within this defined Wilsden Local Centre, the predominant use will be shopping and other uses appropriate to a local centre. It is recognised, however, that this area includes some use not traditionally associated with a local centre, such as housing (including the residential use of the upper floors of shops) and community facilities. These can complement the shopping function of Wilsden Local Centre by, for example, attracting people into it. There is, however, a need to balance this provision of uses to maintain the primary function of the Local Centre and prevent an over-concentration of non-local centre uses and to ensure that proposals do not have a negative impact on the attractiveness, viability and vitality of it.


Where planning permission is required the Plan will support development proposals that protect and enhance Wilsden Local Centre's role in providing retail, retail related and community services to the village and the wider area. Within the defined Wilsden Local Centre (as identified in Figure 12), development proposals for the use of premises for Class E1 (retail, employment and the provision of local services), F2 (local community) and Pub or drinking establishments (use Class Sui Generis) uses will be supported, where appropriate to their scale, location and nature. Proposals for changes of use of premises currently occupied by Class E, F2 and Pub or drinking establishments for other uses, including for residential uses, will not be supported unless there is evidence that the premises are no longer commercially viable for Class E, F2 and Pub and drinking establishments uses or that alternative facilities are available elsewhere in the neighbourhood area in accessible and convenient locations.

Proposals for changes of use of premises currently occupied by Class E, F2 and Pub and drinking establishment uses for other uses, including for residential uses, will not be supported unless where (i) it can be demonstrated that the premises are no longer commercially viable for Class E, F2 and Pub or drinking establishment uses and the building has been actively marketed for at least six months as Class E, F2 and Pub or drinking establishment or that alternative facilities are available elsewhere in the area in accessible and convenient locations (ii) the proposed use will make a positive contribution to the viability and vitality of the Local Centre.

Development proposals for Class E and Class F2 will be expected to be located within the Local Centre except where they (i) meet a village need; (ii) are of appropriate size and scale and (iii) do not have an adverse impact on the role and function of the Local Centre.

The residential use of the upper floors of properties will be supported subject to parking, amenity and other considerations.

The Plan will view positively and encourage development proposals that will improve the visual and physical attractiveness of Wilsden Local Centre.

7.2 Other Shops across the Parish

7.2.1 Outside the defined Local Centre there are a small number of single or small groups of shops scattered across the Parish. The main shopping facilities outside the Local Centre include Bingley Garden Centre and the pharmacy next to the Wilsden Health Centre. These provide a valuable service in providing for specific shopping needs, and residents would also like to see these enhanced and protected wherever possible. For any developments outside the settlement boundary and not on previously developed land Policy W/HO3 will normally take precedence.


Development proposals that would result in the loss of, or have an adverse effect on, a shopping use (Use Class E and Pub or drinking Establishment) outside Wilsden Local Centre will not be permitted unless it can be demonstrated that it is no longer required by the community and/or continued use is no longer viable and the site has been actively marketed for at least six months for shopping purposes.

7.3 Shop Front Design

7.3.1 Because the majority of retail outlets in the Parish are in Wilsden Conservation Area they are covered by more detailed requirements. CBMDC Core Strategy Policies EN3 and DS3 specify that the design of shop fronts and associated advertisement should respect and reinforce area in particular be in character with the Conservation Area. CBMDC has produced a Shop Front Design SPD and a Shop Front Security SPD, which outline good practice in maintaining the historic features and the streetscape. This Plan supports and reinforces the importance of, the Shop Front Design SPD produced by CBMDC, especially as Wilsden retains many of its traditional shop fronts and it is important to preserve their character. Recent years have seen the conversion of several shops in the Village Centre to residential and other uses. As this trend may continue, the Plan will require in such circumstances the retention of key shop front details and features so that the retail appearance of the area is maintained.


To be supported development proposals for new, or alteration of existing, shop front design, signage and front shop security should be of high quality and contribute to an overall improvement in the character of the surrounding area. In particular, it should demonstrate that it responds positively to:

  1. existing historic shop fronts and features of architectural and historic interest;
  2. the scale, proportions, character and materials of the whole building and where appropriate, adjoining buildings and the wider street scene; and
  3. has regard to the Shop Front Design SPD and the Shop Front Security SPD produced by CBMDC.

7.4 Car Parking within Wilsden Local Centre

7.4.1 Action to improve car parking within the Local Centre is a priority of the community. The roads are narrow and the areas of older development within the Local Centre have no provision for off road parking. The car park at Royd House incorporates some short stay parking that is low cost, EV charging points and some limited residents' parking. This is insufficient to ensure that customers' in cars are always able to access shops within the Local Centre. This lack of car parking provision which is exacerbated by the high levels of traffic that passes along Main Street and through the Local Centre can result in practical and environmental problems. It detracts from the character and the quality of the Local Centre and its attractiveness as a place to visit and shop.


Development proposals should include provision for adequate off-road vehicle parking spaces in accordance with CBMDC standards.

Development proposals should not result in an overall reduction in car parking provision in Wilsden Local Centre except where:

(a) it can be demonstrated that the loss of parking will not have a severe adverse impact on parking provision and road safety in the Village and/or will not have an adverse impact on the viability of shops within Wilsden Local Centre or

(b) adequate and suitable replacement car parking provision is provided on the site or a nearby suitable location in or adjacent to Wilsden Local Centre.

Proposals to improve the quality and range of car parking provision to serve Wilsden Local Centre will be supported in principle.

Map of Wilsden Local Centre.

Figure 12 Wilsden Local Centre

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